- Hummingbird are a sign of love and will bring love to the person who spots them. They generally symbolizes joy and playfulness, as well as adaptability.
- Hummingbirds are erratic and they shift positions quickly.
- When a hummingbird appears near you, they are reflecting the positive side of life by showing you the joy in small things. It’s important that you honor the small things in life and let go of the heavy toxic ones.
- The hummingbird is tireless in its pursuit of finding sweetness. They appear in our lives to remind us of staying on track for what we want while enjoying the process. Hummingbirds can travel over 2000 miles from Central America to North America every year just to reach their destination.
- This is also a reminder of pursuing your dreams and not allowing obstacles to stop you regardless of the distance.
- The hummingbirds’ graceful and quick motions are considered a symbol of accomplishing your goals quickly and effectively.
- While there is no direct mention of hummingbirds in the Bible, they are sometimes considered to be a messenger from Heaven, gently nudging us to move on and release the burden of people or things that have passed and can no longer be a part of our lives.
- A hummingbird in your dream may also be a reminder for you to embrace your freedom and to trust in your instincts, just as a hummingbird lives and flies along, happy in her pursuit of the next sweet flower.
- When a loved one has recently passed away, they may be a sign that the loved one has successfully made it to the other side and is doing just fine.
- Some people also see them as signs from Angels, reminding us to follow what makes us happy and to enjoy the present moment.