The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Ralph Kenneth Schroeder
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Memorial Created By
Dana Brose Swoveland

Ralph Kenneth Schroeder

April 21, 1940 - July 16, 2021

We created this memorial page to celebrate the life of Ralph Kenneth Schroeder . Collecting your stories, photos and memories here will be a great way to share our love for Ralph and remember all the good times we've shared with him. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates.

489 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Steve & Marcia Becker
    Dear Ralph, one of our very favorite buddies! We've experienced so many fun times together. This was in England when he was trying to see if he fit inside the small car...and he did! Besides the traveling, he was our buddy at church, school (teaching...  more
  • Steve & Marcia Becker
  • Dana Swoveland
    This is one of my favorite photos of Ralph-I love his genuine smile and he looks so happy with his Mr. Whippy ice cream cone while visiting England. He has photos in front of the most iconic/scenic places in the world but he seems happiest enjoying the...  more
  • Dana Swoveland