In lieu of flowers, you can make a donation to his memorial fund which will help support his family and cover the cost of funeral services. 代替鮮花,您可以向他的紀念基金捐款,這將有助於支持他的家庭並支付殯儀服務的費用。
Join us in celebrating the life of Richard Xiantao Chai.
Please use this place to contribute photos, videos, memories, whatever you may have.
Richard Chai passed away on Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 at the age of 55.
A formal funeral service and burial will take place on:
Monday, July 22nd starting at 11:00 am
Room 383 - Visitation Center
Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary
(3888 Workman Mill Rd, Whittier, CA 90601) that is open to all.
Richard was born on September 25, 1963 in Shantou, China. Richard was an avid athlete and swimmer, on the Shantou swim team in elementary school. He even represented the city of Shantou in the national swimming competition. He went on to graduate from Zhong Shan University (中山大學) in Guangzhao with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science.
Richard came to America in 1991. He was an extremely hard worker and started working in sales with his own garment business. With this experience, he continued on to work in the market and food industry. His last job was at Premier Food Company. In his 6 years there, he developed many close relationships with coworkers and clients. Richard was known for his hard work ethic and compassionate heart; constantly helping those he could when possible. He always put others needs in front of his. Whether it be taking care of clients on days off or working tirelessly to raise his two kids and family. Most of all, Richard was a devoted son and father. No matter what, he was committed to his family. He was so selfless, never once letting anyone worry. Richard will be deeply missed by his friends, family, and all who knew him.
Richard is survived by his loving wife, Eunice; along with two children; Jacqueline and Justin Chai.
Richard Chai (蔡賢濤)於2019年7月9日星期二傍晚6時10分突發心臟病不幸去世,享年55歲。
地點:洛杉磯玫瑰崗紀念公園,#383 追思廳
Room #383
Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary
(3888 Workman Mill Rd, Whittier,CA 90601)
請使用這個網站提供Richard Chai ( 蔡賢濤 )生平的任何照片,視頻,美好回憶,無論您有什麼,我們深表感謝!
賢濤於1991年來到美國。他努力勤奮,吃苦耐勞,勤儉節約,任勞任怨,開始從事自己的服裝業務,曾到德國、荷蘭、美國 甚至到柬埔寨開拓制衣業務,嘗盡人生艱辛苦辣。憑藉這些經驗,他繼續在市場和食品行業工作,他的最後一份工作是在Premier Food Company工作。在那裡的6年間,他與同事和客戶建立了很密切互信的關係。賢濤也因其勤奮的道德和助人為樂而聞名; 見義勇為,仁至義盡,不斷提升業績。他總是把別人的需要放在第一位,無論是休息天或假日都在照顧客戶和不知疲倦地撫養他的兩個孩子和家人。最重要的是,理查德(賢濤)不僅是一個孝子也是一個慈愛父親。不論何時何地,他都把他的自己的一切奉獻給家人。他如此無私,從不為己,嘔心瀝血,令人永遠難以忘懷。理查德將會被他的朋友,家人和所有認識他的人深深懷念和愛戴。
理查德 (賢濤)倖存下來的是他的愛妻尤尼斯 (Eunice 陳淑媛);和兩個孩子杰奎琳 (Jacqueline Chai)和賈斯汀柴 (Justin Chai)。願理查德賢濤離苦得樂,安息吧!