Memorial Created By
Julia Bly DeVere

Robert Tuthill Bly, Jr.

March 05, 1947 - April 08, 2021

This memorial has been created to celebrate the life of Robert Tuthill Bly, Jr., during these challenging times when we have not been able to come together in person. Please contribute your stories and memories. Click on the heart to let us know you were here, and please sign the guest book. Thank you for...  see more

Here was Rob's advice in times of grief, written in his own words:  "The thoughts of life and death just drag at us, do they not? All I can say is to remember the good times, and cherish them in your heart, and quietly move on. They wanted you to have a happy and wonderful life. So get on it with it, cry a bit, remember a lot, and cherish the memories. With sorrow, but looking for better -- and somewhat different, and wonderful days...  see more
872 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Julia  Bly DeVere
    Antarctica lab and the Claremont Men's College Dorm room. Thank you Clark!
  • Julia  Bly DeVere
    Dad, you were so rarely ever without a camera in your pocket. A habit I inherited. Thank you for leaving us so many captured memories. Plus, I've dug up some others too.
  • Julia  Bly DeVere