Memorial Created By

Roland "Rolly Rock" Roch

March 26, 1951 - March 30, 2021

We created this memorial to celebrate the life of Rolly Rock. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. We'd also love to know which songs and/or artists make you think of him. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive any email updates. Thank you for...  see more

***ENGLISH TO FOLLOW***« DANCE JOKE PLAY MUSIC WITH FAMILY AND EVEN STRANGERS...UNITES US ALL….» — Rolly Rock Roland Zoël Joachim Joseph Roch (1951-2021) Roland Roch nous a quitté. Il est décédé après plusieurs années de lutte contre le cancer, dans son appartement à Saint-Boniface quelques jours après avoir célébré ses 70 ans, le 26 mars, 2021. Un homme inoubliable, honnête, fier, fort, fidèle, intelligent, déterminé, qui possédait...  see more
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