Memorial Created By
Tiffany Lin

Sam Richards

We created this memorial to celebrate the life of Sam Richards. Please share your memories and stories of Sam, for our school community and his loved ones. As we plan virtual gatherings, we will post invitations here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial. The Tulane School of Architecture...  see more

6,115 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • George Seminara
    It was lovely to hear your reflections of Sam I was overjoyed that he retained his sense of humor and his unique style of pain-in-the-ass-ness. Perhaps, I am his oldest friend to post here.

    We were downtown kids in New York City. It was the summer...  more
  • Jorge Blandin
  • Gaby Vega
    I first met Sam my first semester of my first year. I answered his "Help Wanted" flyers printed in Calibri (as he does with all his emails) and nailed onto the pin-up walls around the school asking for Shop Workers. I applied thinking I...  more
  • Emile LeJeune
    Emile LeJeune added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
  • Emile LeJeune
    Emile LeJeune added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
  • Leia Leia
    Leia Leia added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
    • Leia Leia
      Leia Leia This is the sculpture Brian tried to use as a coat rack, thus cementing a friendship... (but almost destroying it in the process).
      • November 16, 2020
  • Leia Leia
    Sam was our dear friend. We loved him.

    He had a twinkle in his eye though he called himself a curmudgeon. Nothing escaped his scrutiny, his critical eye, but he also loved a good laugh. He once put a Toblerone box over one of our similarly-shaped...  more
  • Gina Reichert
    Thank you Sam, for sharing your love of pirates, wooden boats, humor and wit; for lending me your truck when i needed supplies; for teaching me shop logic; for your love of materials, craft and making; for being a friend. Wish we had had more time.
  • david karlin
    I started working on staff at Cooper Union Sculpture Shop at time Sam attended as a student. There was an immediate mutual attraction. After graduation he worked on staff. He was a good friend although we did not keep in touch I retain great affection...  more
  • Jennifer Torres
    I met sam at Cooper Union, as many others had- It was in 1983 - 1988. Ruben Kadish was my professor as well. Sam taught me so much. I remember one night of late-night partying I had to crash at his place, he was such an amazing gentleman. I hadn't seen...  more
  • Tiffany Lin
    Sam made my first kiddo this wooden iPhone/rattle 6 years ago and now her little brother plays with it! He seriously just picked it up yesterday and started making calls. Sam must know we are thinking of him.
  • Tracey Dillon
    Sam and I met at Cooper Union in 1979, and I have no memory of art school without him. We shared a sculpture studio and a deep attachment to our beloved professor, Ruben Kadish. Ruben introduced us to the art of ancient cultures- and many other of...  more
    • Lisa Roper, Tiffany Lin, and Jennifer Torres reacted on this.
    • Tracey Dillon
      Tiffany Lin thanks for posting this, Tracey! "chirps of delight" and "sly musings" definitely describe Sam! He shared those hoop skirt collages with me too this summer and I remember that visit fondly...
      • August 12, 2020
  • Michael Brady
    It are days of sadness in death that are so innate to us that we recognize and reflect on time and relationships, as one in the same.
    Sam Richards was a friend and mentor who I came to know better in the Summer of ’19, nearly a year after I came to...  more
  • Lisa  Roper
    I met Sam at The Cooper Union in 1980 where we both studied Fine Art. I liked his sly sense of humor and thoughtful perspective. This portrait was taken at the New York Botanic Garden. Its lovely to hear all of your memories of Sam at TSA.
  • Emilie Taylor Welty
    Emilie Taylor Welty added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
  • Emilie Taylor Welty
    Emilie Taylor Welty added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
    LOOP project team
  • Matthew Richards
    Sam was my brother and a remarkable man; a cut from an obscure piece of tapestry. Not only did he have that lust for life that was infectious, but he had that passion for everything thing along the way that slips by most, while never at a loss to share...  more
  • Casey Roccanova
    Sam was so much to the student body at TSA. He was a mentor, a boss, and a friend. He taught me so much during my time at Tulane and I will be forever grateful for those lessons and memories. Words cannot begin to describe the heart break I have felt...  more
  • Tiffany Lin
    Sam left this gift in my office after hearing about a stupid paper I wrote called "Level and Plumb Without Rhino"-- This is his level WITH Rhino (an Albrecht Dürer rhino, he was quick to point out.) No one has ever exerted such elaborate efforts of...  more
  • John Vollman
    Every time we go through our front door we think of Sam and how generous he was with his time and skills. We will be forever grateful for him!
  • Josh Beezley
    Class of 2003 Presented Sam with the Malcolm Heard Teaching award in 2003. Very well deserved. He will be missed greatly.
  • Eric Sullivan
    I met Sam by applying to work in the shop. He told me that the only reason he’d agreed to the interview was because I’d filled out the application on a typewriter.

    I found these photos in the collected album for this review.
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
  • Byron Mouton
    I met Sam 27 years ago; we were immediately buds. But, during the last 20 years we grew to be so much more than that. Many students and faculty colleagues have been fortunate to be part of an ever-expanding design build agenda at TSA. However, no one...  more
  • Cordula Roser Gray
    Cordula Roser Gray added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
  • Cordula Roser Gray
  • Tiffany Lin
    Tiffany Lin added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
  • Tiffany Lin
    Tiffany Lin added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
  • Emilie Taylor Welty
    Emilie Taylor Welty added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
    Magellan Garden roof truss day
  • Emilie Taylor Welty
    Emilie Taylor Welty added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
    URBANbuild 01, 2006
  • Emilie Taylor Welty
    Emilie Taylor Welty added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
    Sam and the Grow Dat team
  • Emilie Taylor Welty
    Emilie Taylor Welty added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
    Sam working on the Hollygrove Pavilion
  • Emilie Taylor Welty
    Emilie Taylor Welty added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
    URBANbuild 04
  • Emilie Taylor Welty
    Emilie Taylor Welty added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Sam Richards:
    Sam and the URBANbuild 01 team, 2006