The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Silas Justice Amberg

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Memorial Created By
Sarah Trudeau

Silas Justice Amberg

August 18, 2020 - August 21, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Silas Justice Amberg. We want to collect all the thoughts, prayers, and condolences that have been sent from all over the world for Silas, so that we may someday share them with his brothers. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

After 3 days of fighting really hard, our little Silas went to be with Jesus where he finally gets to rest. Being born at 34 weeks, he suffered a double pneumothorax which led to pulmonary hypertension. From the beginning Silas was a fighter and actually overcame these challenges and enjoyed a really stable 24 hours, but his little body was just not able to fight so hard for so long. Last night, his heart gave out. We got to hold him...  see more
564 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Laura Seibert
    Little Silas,
    The minute we heard you were conceived, not only your immediate family, but a group of people that are called your extended family cheered and celebrated the miracle and joy of your life. From that moment on you had so many people praying...  more
  • Oluwasina Demilade
    Dear Silas,
    We were blessed to have known you and been part of your life in some way however short. You taught us a lot and the experience reminded us of the everlasting love of God for us all. We were reminded that even when things we will and want to...  more
  • Steve Findley
    Dear Silas, you're mega-special for plenty of reasons besides this. But for me, the personal-to-me part of your "special-ness" is that you have the same name as my youngest son! Another personal part is that I'm crazy about your dad, mom, and...  more
  • Cindy Venable
    Darling Baby Silas, along with your brave mama and papa, your best big brother Noah, and your sweet twin brother Josiah--The truth is, we're sad you couldn't stay with us. We wanted you to so much. We had so many plans for how we'd love you as you grew....  more
  • Mike and Stephanie O'Quin
    So very sorry for your loss Adam and Emily. I pray for you to feel Emmanuel peace from the God of all comfort in these days, both in the joy of having Josiah home and in so broken over losing Silas. Grace, grace, grace in your lives.
  • Jocelyn Engel
    Long before you were born Silas, you were carried in our hearts. Our prayers carried you and your brother Josiah as your Mama carried you both in her tummy and then brought you into this world. Our prayers carried you as your Mama and Papa held you in...  more
  • Scott Engel
    Silas my boy...I prayed for you and your brother Josiah with great faith long before you were in your mother's womb. When you were in the womb, I believed for your life and anticipated your birth with excitement. When you were born, I was overjoyed at...  more
  • James Wise
    Silas was a man of perseverance, determination, and was intimately familiar with being held in the hands of God. He was also a gate keeper of intercession - he spent his life opening the door for the nation of Mauritius to be on the hearts and in the...  more
  • Cat Wise
    Every step of Silas' life has been so scripted by the Good Shepherd. From before Emily was even pregnant with Silas and Josiah, God prepared the way for every step of the process and it's been my honor to pray for and believe for his life all along the...  more