• Stefan Ross Funeral Service

    Feb 19, 2020, 11:00 AM US/Eastern


Charitable Donations in Honor of Stefan Ross
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Stefan Ross
Memorial Created By
Ivan Ross

Stefan Ross

January 24, 1994 - February 06, 2020

The funeral will take place 02/19/20, 11:00am, at The Stone Chapel Poulsbo Mortuary. Address: 22272 Foss Rd. NE #9004, Poulsbo, WA, 98370 Stefan Ross lost his long and hard-fought battle with depression on Thursday evening, February 6, 2020. Profoundly kind hearted and considerate of others, he was...  see more

Ivan: I had always thought Stef would make it farther than me, and I was always so proud of him. He was well loved, and had the ability to talk with just about anyone. He seemed to innately know what was on people's mind, and how to interact. We all thought he'd be amazing in international business, or something that required a lot of interaction. As he fell deeper into depression, bits of his personality started slipping away. Despite...  see more
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