
Charitable Donations in Honor of Steven Gonzalez
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Memorial Created By
Chloe Gonzalez

Steven Gonzalez

October 28, 1960 - December 12, 2021

We've created this memorial site to honor the life and legacy of Steven Gonzalez: Father, Pastor, Teacher, Friend. His life and impact shaped so many of us and we want to hear about its impact on you. Please take time to share your own stories and memories along with any pictures you have. Click on the heart...  see more

Steven Gonzalez passed from this life and was welcomed into the arms of Jesus on Sunday afternoon, December 12, 2021. In the days leading up to his homegoing, he was surrounded by his children and those he loved, as they prayed for him to be ushered into the Presence of the LORD.   Steven was a loving husband to Wanda Diaz. He was preceded in death by his father Santos Gonzalez and mother Carmen Diaz and will be buried with them in...  see more
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