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    Jun 9, 2022, 9:56 AM US/Eastern

The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Testing Tester


Funeral Expenses & Support the family.

Please help is pay all of the medical and funeral costs. This will be very helpful.

$0 Raised of $10,000   Contributors (0)
You can also select a charitable cause that is personally meaningful to you or one that was important to Testing Tester
Memorial Created By
GatheringUs Support

Testing Tester

July 16, 1966 - April 04, 2022

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Testing Tester. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

215 Visits

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  • GatheringUs Support
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sed modi sint sit repellendus minima ut perspiciatis voluptatibus et minus magni. Est dolorem blanditiis et possimus quas est itaque impedit ad autem maiores ut officiis quidem rem autem quia est assumenda consequuntur! Aut...  more
  • GatheringUs Support
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sed modi sint sit repellendus minima ut perspiciatis voluptatibus et minus magni. Est dolorem blanditiis et possimus quas est itaque impedit ad autem maiores ut officiis quidem rem autem quia est assumenda consequuntur! Aut...  more
  • GatheringUs Support
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sed modi sint sit repellendus minima ut perspiciatis voluptatibus et minus magni. Est dolorem blanditiis et possimus quas est itaque impedit ad autem maiores ut officiis quidem rem autem quia est assumenda consequuntur! Aut...  more