Memorial Created By
Susan Hutchinson

The Reverend Ronald D Hutchinson

July 02, 1933 - February 21, 2022

Thank you for helping us celebrate the life of The Reverend Ronald D Hutchinson. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here. Please see the full obituary below.

Reverend Ronald D Hutchinson 1933-2022 The Rev Ronald D Hutchinson passed away in February, quite unexpectedly, yet peacefully in his sleep. He was a man and a minister ahead of his time. He leaves a legacy of love, knowledge and service to his family, parishioners, and the Kirkland community. He was the only child for Kenneth and Doris (Blanchard) Hutchinson. He graduated from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI with a BA in...  see more
1,002 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Edward Snively
    Dear Shirley, Lynn, Susan, John and other family members,
    I just found and listened to Ronald's nice obituary. It provided some nice details about his life.
    Randolph, Janet, Edward and John Snively remember when Ron served First Congregational Church in...  more
  • Susan Hutchinson
    God is such a Fox! As my dad always said.
    I will add more photos soon.
    • Susan Hutchinson
      Dan and Sue Cone We just saw this today, June 20, 2022. Susan, your Dad was SUCH a phenomenal MAN and Minister! Our family was very active in the Church in Kirkland for many years. We speak of him quite often. He had SUCH a gift of telling a story, and make you...  more
      • June 20, 2022
    • Susan Hutchinson
      Christine Harlan It is unanimous. Ron Hutchinson was a phenomenal man, who is missed by many. Ron served as the pastor who married my dad to his second wife in 1981. He also baptized both of my kids, in 2002 and 2004. I had the pleasure of seeing Ron at social...  more
      • September 11, 2023