The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Theodore Deno Tufares
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Memorial Created By
Taylor HIll

Theodore Deno Tufares

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Theodore Deno Tufares. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Theodore (Ted) Deno Tufares passed away peacefully Thursday, April 22,2021 in Eugene,Oregon. Ted was born April 10, 1928 in Wichita Falls, Tx. Ted joined the army in 1946 served in both World War Two and Korea. When he came home he developed a lifelong love of rodeo, becoming a championship bull rider.Ted then settled in Eugene to raise his family and worked as a carpenter. In 1969 he began his career as a Brand Inspector for the state...  see more
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  • Amy Magee
    Wishing you strength to face the days ahead and wonderful memories to cherish forever. ❤ I have a few good memories of Ted, but the one that always sticks in my head is when I was out with Lori (I can't remember the event) her parents were there...  more
  • Brandy  larson