The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Tiffani Dianna Aerts
Raised $3,025
  Contributors (19)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Tiffani Dianna Aerts
Memorial Created By
Scott Ely

Tiffani Dianna Aerts

September 27, 1979 - December 19, 2020

Goodbye, my Sweet Girl! We all miss you. I know that you wanted to show the world beauty and now we can see your beauty in all the light. You are so loved and you are the most beautiful thing to me. Sleep well, my beautiful Artist...

This is a space for Tiffani's family and friends to share memories of our beautiful girl. I want you to feel free to share and find some closure. Whether it is just stories, pictures, simple thoughts or even just reading posts, it's appreciated. The world needs more love and I love you for being here. Tiffani's dream was to show the world more beauty. You can help her do that today. She struggled with depression for a good portion of...  see more
7,365 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Dwayne Valeau
    There are times that I catch myself looking at your picture on our mantle, wishing that we would have had more time. We find it hard to go to the restaurants where we shared copious amounts of wine and laughter. I just miss you. I miss your wit,...  more
  • Mary Bliss McCrossen
    Oh Tiffani. It’s your birthday and I went to your Facebook page to say happy birthday and saw that you had passed. Brent and I are just so heartbroken but we love you and hope you are at peace now. The portrait you painted of us for my wedding gift to...  more
  • Scott Ely
    It was 2013, May 11th, when I proposed to this beautiful woman up on the Sunshine Coast in BC. We made a wonderful dinner together and I had her close her eyes while I said this poem and put the ring in her hand. I miss her everyday!
  • Scott Ely
    Beautiful words that touch on grief and love.
  • CynDee Aerts
    CynDee Aerts added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Tiffani Dianna Aerts:
  • CynDee Aerts
    CynDee Aerts added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Tiffani Dianna Aerts:
  • CynDee Aerts
    CynDee Aerts added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Tiffani Dianna Aerts:
  • CynDee Aerts
    Our precious Munchkin...loved beyond words and worlds. There's no way to measure or verbalize what this death at her own hand has done to our family. The pain and grief of knowing that somehow she didn't comprehend the depth of our love, our commitment...  more
  • Brian Landeene
    Our family was privileged to meet Tiffani on a beautiful wedding weekend. She was a delightful woman with love for family and friends. She is and will be sorely missed.
    With much love,
    Brian, Elaine, Joshua, Joseph, Daniel, JoyAnna, &Rebekah...  more
  • Adoree Blair
    Hey little blonde imp with the lovely, sparkling smile - and oh, that giggle! Over the fence and watching you play next door. Coming to see us and explore, holding Dyani's hand. Listening to how our children adored you - the baby next door. Moving...  more
  • Brian Calvery
    A silly recording of our puppy Hilda's excitement at having Scott and Tiff over after dinner in June 2019. (sorry for the loud background)
  • Aurélie Laugraud
    Nantes, France in 1994/1995
    as somebody said, words are sometimes inadequate
  • Maria Manza
    I only knew Tiffani for a short time. We met at a small retreat in September, and out of the small group of participants, I spent the most time with her. She had such a warm demeanor, and I felt comfortable with her right away. We talked (or more aptly...  more
  • Travis Aerts
    Dearest Tiffani and Big Sister,

    I know you were the only sister I had but, you were the best big sister a little brother could ask God for. Yes, I am biased. Your gorgeous smile, quick wit, stunning voice, and all around beautiful heart and soul will...  more
  • Joy Aerts
    Beautiful is still very difficult to put together words right now to describe the love that our family has for you. How much we miss you and wish you were still here with us. I wish we could have known the pain you were in and helped you,...  more
  • Robyn Hodges
    Robyn Hodges added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Tiffani Dianna Aerts:
  • Robyn Hodges
    I have not posted until now because this is just... so.... devastating. Tiffani was almost a "second mom" and best friend to me since we were 13. There are no words to quantify it, to communicate appropriately the depth of loss of what a shining light...  more
  • Michelle Terril
    Words seem so inadequate. Tiffani was an extraordinary human being: smart and witty, creative and talented, clever with a radiant smile. Beautiful and always stylish, empathetic and compassionate, generous and giving, and kind, always kind. She was so...  more
  • Julia Nemer
    Meeting you will forever be one of the things I’m most grateful for. You will always be my most favorite person to watch dance. You were so free and mesmerizing and filled my heart with happiness. I will miss that. I loved our wine nights and I will...  more
  • Suzannah Calvery
    I called you Tiffania in my mind.
    You always had something of the fae about you.
    With grace in your fingertips and butterflies for hair
    You danced slow to fast music and could draw energy around like a cape- worn like the queen that you are
    You laughed...  more
  • Wendy S
    Dear Scott, sending so much love...Tiffani was a force of nature, vibrant and beautiful and inspiring, and will be greatly missed. She was a gifted artist and a lovely person, and we're grateful to have known her. Thinking of you and sending good...  more
  • Scott Ely
    These were our wedding photos. Please browse and share that moment with me.
  • Casey Christ
    Dear Kitty,
    I can’t believe the world just lost such a vibrant, talented and bright spirit. So many memories of Lending Help Desk days at WAMU come rushing back. I loved your wit, style and smile. I remember hearing your beautiful voice at one of the...  more
  • Eric Penso
    In September 1998 a young and talented student from the university of Washington arrived in Montpellier for a year abroad experience.
    I recall her smile and eagerness to discover more of the French way of life... Her spoken French was outstanding at the...  more
  • Shari Van Cleave
    Dear beautiful friends of Tiffani, if you'd like to receive updates from Scott in the weeks and months to come, and if you'd like to learn more about how Tiffani's life will be celebrated, please add your contact info here. Thank you! ...  more
  • Brian Calvery
    Tiffani, my friend, my friend’s wife, my wife's best friend, I remember meeting you for the first time. Driving with Suzannah out to Magnolia to meet her longest-standing friend, her best friend, I was worried, intimidated! You were exotic and...  more
  • Scott Ely
    Mais informações em
  • Scott Ely
    She was working so hard. These were words to herself to endure. And rules to be an Artist.
  • Meryl Seely
    We’ll always hear you singing Tiffani. ❤️
  • Ged Vanderkolk
  • Kasey Brockwell
    Oh Tif,
    I’ve been thinking of you non stop my friend. I have so many wishes. I wish it hadn’t been so long since I last saw your gorgeous face. I wish I hadn’t taken for granted that there would always be a next time. I am so very thankful that you...  more
  • Scott Ely
  • Sue Haslam
    Such a beautiful soul and spirit. I will miss you Tiffani. ❤️
  • Daniela Melgar
    Words can’t begin to express the mark you’ve left on my heart, or the pain and sadness I feel at your loss. Thank you so much for the years of friendship. Your beauty, intelligence, strength, style, laughter, and creativity will be with me always....  more
  • Tomi Nicholas
    Tomi Nicholas added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Tiffani Dianna Aerts:
  • Tomi Nicholas
    You're the last thought in my mind as I fall asleep to images of you smiling your wry smile. You're the first thought that reaches me upon waking up each morning. Your grace, creativity, subtle humor, style, poise, gravitas, and elegance inspired me to...  more
  • Louise Nicholls
    May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be at your back
    May the sun shine warm upon your face, May the rain fall softly on your fields
    And until we meet again
    May you keep safe
    In the gentle loving arms of God

    Love you Tiff and will carry your...  more
  • Alyssa Ely
  • Alyssa Ely
    I am still genuinely in shock and can’t quite find the right words to express how much she meant to me. We went to Chicago together, went surfing every summer, paragliding in Maui, had long talks, shopped in Seattle, shared a love of makeup, painted...  more
    Tiffani Aerts Artist
  • Shana Kitchen
    Oh Tiff, you beautiful woman. You gorgeous, talented, gifted, soulful being. You will be missed beyond words for as long as we all live. Thank you for sharing your light with us for as long a as you could. May your sweet soul float along every sunset...  more
  • Ellie MacIsaac Ford
    Miss you, my beautiful friend. ❤️
  • Molly Lyman
    Love you, beautiful lady!
  • Brian Terril
    Brian Terril added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Tiffani Dianna Aerts:
  • Scott Ely
  • Scott Ely
    Scott Ely added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Tiffani Dianna Aerts:
  • Scott Ely
    Scott Ely added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Tiffani Dianna Aerts: