The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Tim Janes
Raised $50
  Contributors (1)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Tim Janes
Memorial Created By
Lizzie Schloss

Tim Janes

November 23, 1946 - November 02, 2021

Celebration of Life/Memorial/General Hazing: Sunday, January 2nd, 2:00pm 4215 E. Kings Rd, Due to the COVID infection numbers in Pima County and the infectiousness of Omicron, the entire memorial will be held outside. I will be using a combination of my front porch and the back patio. People will be...  see more

Tim Janes November 23, 1946 - November 2, 2021   “Death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come.”  - Julius Caesar: 2.2     Actor, fundraiser, leftist, queer activist, “crazy cat lady,” amateur photographer, friend, uncle, son, brother.   Tim was born in Houston, Texas and, as the child of a military family, spent his childhood moving from place to place. He spent his high school years in Washington DC, where he began...  see more
2,304 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Leslie Carlson
  • Lizzie Schloss
  • Lizzie Schloss
    Daryl, Nina, Tim
    Gene, Lu
  • Lizzie Schloss
    More photos
  • Barry Hatchel
  • Jonathan Pinkney
  • Christina Rossetti
  • Jon Campbell
  • Cath Busha
  • Susie Erickson
    Can you hear Tim's infectious laughter, one of his many super powers? Ages ago: Sitting on the couch with Tim and Lizzie in our flat in Denver, eating the worst junk food we could find, watching Fawlty Towers, giggle-choking with laughter till the snot...  more
  • Mike Pollack
    It is an honor to have known Tim. I have fond memories that I will treasure and I have always appreciated his humor, strength and his understanding that life was too short for bullshit. May his memory continue to be a blessing to all who know and love...  more
  • ivy schwartz
  • Kent Burbank
  • Myrna  Ruiz
  • Lizzie Schloss
  • Lizzie Schloss
    Gus, the love of Tim's life.
  • Lizzie Schloss
  • Lizzie Schloss
    • Rowan Frost reacted on this.
    • Lizzie Schloss
      Tory Middlebrooks I never met him as a young man, he's forever Falstaffian to me, but he was so handsome. Thank you for expanding my understanding of him!
      • November 5, 2021
  • Lizzie Schloss
    • Lizzie Schloss
      Rowan Frost I was thinking about him on Halloween; the first time I met him, he was a vampire at an IT/SAAF(? TPAC?) benefit, and he was so dismayed about scaring me (he was such a gentle man).
      • November 4, 2021
  • Lizzie Schloss
    The chameleon that was Tim.
  • Tory Middlebrooks
    Words are ineffective to express my sadness at a passing of my Uncle Tim. I love him and will always remember him in the prime of his life as my jovial and quick-witted uncle.
  • Rowan Frost
    Tim had the gift of making everyone else more charming, funnier, more interesting. Going through photos, I remembered all the wonderful times we spent together with family and friends. I have so many pictures of him sitting next to Tory; they were always...  more
  • C Elliott
    He was a good friend with a sense of humor & had great compassion for others.
  • Nina Janes
    My uncle has always been one of my favorite people. I am devastated. I’m not even able to put into words what I’m feeling right now. But I know soon I will be able to share some lovely memories. For now, I just wish I could hug him.
  • Kieran Suckling
  • Karen King
    I'll always remember when we shared an office during my first year at the Center. You were funny, quirky, irreverent, inspiring, delightful. So glad I had a chance to get to know you, will never forget you.
  • Karen King
  • Nancy  Bargamian
    Tim, I will always cherish our wonderful times together during college, in London , and over the years. I treasure your wit and wisdom. You had such a rebel spirit and I will always remember you and truly miss you.
  • Nancy  Bargamian
  • Emily Jeffers
  • jacki lopez
  • Gail Godbey
  • Jennifer Molidor
  • Jennifer Molidor
    Tim was a lovely colleague and outspoken about all the right things. I’m glad I got to meet and work with him. Hope he’s in a better world that deserves him now.
  • Paula Simmonds
  • Jonathan Evans
    • Jonathan Evans
      Paula Simmonds May the light that was in Tim's eyes, shine on above our desert skies
      • November 3, 2021
    • Jonathan Evans
      Jonathan Evans
      Our time on this crazy spinning orb was better for your part in it. Fare the well Tim.
  • Keri Dixon
  • John Buse
    Farewell Tim. Only now do you tell me that we share a birthday!
  • Lori Ann Burd
  • Janice Wallace
  • Sunny
  • Tamara Strobel