Memorial Created By
Cate Evans Baze

Timothy M. Evans

February 05, 1955 - August 21, 2020

Dearest friends,  It’s with heavy hearts that we share our faithful, vibrant, joy-filled Dad, Tim Evans, went home to be with Jesus on Friday, August 21st. Though his unexpected passing has left a void that we are having trouble expressing in words, we want to reach out to those whose lives were touched by our Dad’s life, marriage, ministry and mission.  While we find ourselves overwhelmed by this loss, we are so very grateful for...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Tim Evans
    At the one year mark, the thought of condensing my relationship with my dad into a few paragraphs or trying to put into words to what it meant to be his son, feels overwhelming. Words could never adequately describe what he meant to me. 

    He told me...  more
  • Jessica Chen
    I have been meaning to share this and I'm so sorry for these belated words. Anne - Andre and I were so impacted by our brief but powerful time together with you and Tim when we met at the gender equity (forgot the name!) conference in 2015/2016. Over...  more
  • Michael and Anne Risher
    A year later and still can't believe it, we miss him so much. Always intentional, full of life, and so much fun. "Papa E" to our kids. We learned by watching how he lived, how he loved Anne and his children, their spouses and then his...  more
  • Michael and Anne Risher
  • Robyn Brodie
    Wow. When I personally reflect on the past year without the daily influence of Tim in my/our lives, it is one with daily reminders of all the elements of our friendship that we no longer have. Three hundred and sixty-five days of little losses and...  more
  • Keith Brodie
    It has been a year since my best friend, Spiritual Father, and all around best guy, Tim Evans, went home to be with our Good Father. I’ve missed him almost every day since.

    At first the grief and loneliness was so palpable. Tim and I used to talk...  more
  • Katie Aylward
    The Evans family was such a big part of my childhood. I have such fond memories of Mr. Evans growing up. Bringing the fire truck to our block parties, taking Cate and I to the movies, riding on the back of his motorcycle (even though I was terrified)....  more
  • Angela Gieck
    A MAN that loved the LORD and his FAMILY, with all his heart and soul departed us a year ago. He was a neighbor, mentor, spiritual brother, but most of all a friend. I miss having breakfast or lunch with my friend, and the routine we went through. ...  more
  • Angela Gieck
    When I think about Tim, it's hard not to feel so blessed and grateful that God placed this man in mine and my family's lives. I considered Tim the Big Brother I never had. Boy do I miss his Hugs....he was the best hugger, wasn't he?
    It was sweet to read...  more
  • Kem Stickl
    What a beautiful tribute and legacy of a life so very well lived! Tim was a man after God's own heart. If we were to share all of what Tim imparted into our lives we could write a book. He was a man unlike any we have known.
    These 3 stories show...  more
  • Nikol Smith-Mejeur
    I love reading all of your beautiful words about such an amazing man! What an inspiration to love others well. I'm not sure I have ever felt so cared for by someone who I have spent such little time with.... he had a way of making you feel soooo...  more
  • Amy DeBoer
    It has been good for my soul to read the different entries made on the memorial site over this past year. It is healing to hear stories of my dad and the impact he had on others. Whether on the website or in conversations and emails, I have heard...  more
  • Colleen  S
    I can’t believe my dad has been gone for a year. I miss him so much and yet have so much to be thankful for when I think about being his daughter. I can literally picture him with a huge smile on his face giving me two thumbs up. That’s who he...  more
  • Pat Halloran
    It is so hard to believe it has been a year. I think the one thing I remember most about Tim was his faith and his love for his family. He also loved being in Colorado and encouraged and supported our move.
    “May God hold you in the palm of his hand...  more
  • Laura Anders
    Hard to believe a year has passed without you. Our family is so greatly blessed to have had you in it. Your love of family, faithfulness in God, and caring heart to all of those around you are what I remember most about you. Thank you for being there on...  more
  • Jenny Cooper
    It’s hard to believe it has been a year. I have so many wonderful memories of Uncle Tim.
    He took Amy and me to our first concert- Amy Grant. Uncle Tim would bring Amy and me out on “dates” to the movies and always stopped at Walgreens before hand...  more
  • Becky Evans
    Remembering Uncle Tim I’ve been thinking about big and little moments. There are so many big moments: moves, holidays, weddings, losses, advice in the right season. But what has been standing out are the little moments. The blink and you’ll miss it...  more
  • Ashley Gieck
    Oddly enough, my first feelings toward Tim were not great ones! You see, I grew up having a huge dirt lot to play in with my brother, then out of no where, we were no longer able to play on our bike track, our four wheeler playground, our sacred piece of...  more
  • Cate Evans Baze
    Over the past year, it’s been a desire of mine to write a eulogy to honor my Dad. With the pandemic surging shortly after his death and time marching on, it seemed like a formal service just wasn’t in the cards for us.

    You’d think a year would be...  more
  • Jay Evans
    Tim, I looked up to you in so many ways. I knew I could always come to you for advice and that you would point me in the right direction. You never once let me down. I think of you everyday and miss you more than words can say. Love you so much.
    • Cate Evans Baze, Dan Evans, and Amy DeBoer reacted on this.
    • Jay Evans
      Cate Evans Baze We couldn't have made it through the year without you, Uncle Jay. The way you, Auntie Di and Shanny have stepped in and been so extravagant in your love towards our little Jay. You'll never know what that has meant to me this last year. xoxo
      • August 20, 2021
    • Jay Evans
      Colleen S ❤️
      • August 21, 2021
  • Jacob Ouellette
    I often think about how every time Jacob and I would walk into Tim & Anne’s office, the first thing he would do was look into MY eyes while asking Jacob how I was doing. LOL! He knew my face would tell the true story :-). It was such a gift. It was so...  more
  • Dawn Evans
    Tim I miss you so much, I have so many memories of you starting from our junior year of high school and on. I’m so blessed to have had you in my life and you will always be in my heart. I love you
  • Anne  Evans
  • Matt Evans
    “Mattchew, you are fricken little stud. Get in the car, we are going to get slurpees.”
    Uncle Tim was, and is, a hero of mine. He listened to his big heart, fathered an amazing family, and always made me feel special. Every single time I saw him he...  more
    • Cate Evans Baze, Dan Evans, and Amy DeBoer reacted on this.
    • Matt Evans
      Cate Evans Baze He would be so happy for you and Courtney, Matt - cheering you guys on and praying God's best over your marriage - know that we're doing that for you guys in his absence. <3
      • August 20, 2021
  • Dan Evans
    “Danny, We’re both 5 years old”. That’s my first memory of my brother Tim explaining to me how we were Irish Twins”, having both been born within a years time. And for every year since then he would remind me on my birthday that we were the...  more
  • Kathleen Kubik
    Dear Anne and family
    This past year will most likely be the hardest one to endure Tim’s loss. What a life he lived and how he loved all of you.
    It was an honor to know Tim and experience his vitality and yet very sensitive heart and soul. There is a...  more
    • Cate Evans Baze and Amy DeBoer reacted on this.
    • Kathleen Kubik
      Cate Evans Baze Love you Mrs. Kubik - we are so grateful for the ways you have loved us over this past year. The day we hiked up to Red Rocks to memorialize my Dad will always be in my heart - thank you for making that morning so special for our family. xoxo
      • August 20, 2021
  • Jane Evans
    Tim was such a big presence in our lives. Always ready with encouragement, a prayer, a listening ear, or some kind of joke. This past year I have definitely felt his presence when I faced a difficult situation. We miss you and love you.
  • Diane Evans
    Tim radiated love, positivity and encouragement and I am blessed to have had him in my life.
    Your light continues to shine brightly Tim. You are forever in my heart.
  • Kathy Halloran
    August 21, 2020, heaven received an amazing Angel. Tim was an awesome brother and I miss him so much. My favorite memory: Each year he would call and wish me a happy birthday and tell me I was “his favorite sister.” Of course I was his ONLY sister...  more
  • Michael Risher
    I miss him greatly… his wisdom, courage, prayers, sense of humor and his friendship. Always a good book to recommend… So grateful to have called him brother and friend.
  • Shannon Evans
    Miss and love you so much, Uncle Tim.

    Xoxo, Shanny ❤️
  • Meredith Rovak
    Auntie Anne, Fam and Uncle Tim~
    It's hard to believe that a year has passed since you've been called to Heaven. "And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God"--Micah 6:8. It's not...  more
  • Cassie Green
    Tim came into a room and treated every single person and couple like they were the biggest treasure. He set a standard of love, and he also raised the standard for what it means to notice and appreciate the people around you. He always made Doug and me...  more
  • Dan Hathaway
    So many memories of Tim come to mind, that I feel it is best for me to write how he made a huge difference in my life, from a broader story-like perspective. I first met Tim in the summer of 2002 when he and his family moved to Pasadena to work as the...  more
  • Dolly Fairchild
    My heart goes out to you Anne, and your family... I can not imagine how difficult it was to lose Tim so suddenly! What a pleasure it was to have know this amazing guy... such a loving heart and soul...what ENERGY! While we KNOW coming to The dental...  more
  • Charles Cash
    I’m writing this to the sons, the daughters, the grandchildren, and the love of Tim Evans’ life. I want to honor the man of integrity that planted seeds of hope in my heart. The man who demonstrated his beliefs and who applied what was promised by...  more
  • Colleen McAleer
    Auntie and fam, I am still in disbelief and my heart breaks thinking of all of you during this time. When I think of Uncle Tim, I automatically think of JOY and a smile on his face. One of the memories that I have of him is when I visited Colorado with...  more
  • Ben and Lauretta Patterson
    Lauretta and I marvel, even as we grieve, the death of Tim. If ever the saying, “God broke the mold” applied to any man, it applied to Tim. That ruddy face, those mischievous and tender eyes, the big voice inviting all to PARRRTY! – the bigger...  more
  • Meghan Genard
    One of my favorite things about Tim was his ability to really see me. I remember him sitting at our family kitchen table and we were talking about love languages. But it wasn't what we were talking about, it was how we were talking. Tim was genuinely...  more
  • Morgan Snyder
    I had a long road trip and spent the time remembering Tim. Memory after memory cascaded in. Tears eventually came as I was astounded at the depth and breadth of how our marriage was saved and made vibrant through Tim's (And Anne!) steadfast love. No one...  more
  • Brendan O'Shaughnessy
    There are so many cherished memories, I can't even begin to recite them all. Tim pushed everyone around him (figuratively and literally) but it was always in love. The way someone makes you feel is ultimately the legacy you leave behind. Sometimes you...  more
  • Julie Vroon
    Anne and family - We are stunned and broken hearted by the loss of a truly great man, husband, father, grandfather, spiritual father, mentor, friend and leader. We feel honored to have had our lives cross with Tim during his earthly journey. We gleaned...  more
  • Whitney Venard
    Many memories of Tim, but one of my favorites took place, oh man, I can’t even remember the year! My mom, Marla Venard, was the office administrator for Lakeland at the time, and I was tagging along with her. Tim was attempting to keep me entertained,...  more
  • Brad Herman
    In many ways, I am at a complete loss for words here. I am so sorry for all who knew Tim but particularly for Team Evans. Tim was so bigger than life and had a heart that seemed bigger than one human life could contain. I have been praying for Team...  more
  • Kirsten Stephens
    Dearest Anne and all the Evans family,
    Anne, you and Tim are some of my most favorite people. The way you usher the peace of God into anxious hearts is one of my first memories of you. The world is a much poorer place today , and heaven so much the...  more
  • Taryn Ketels (Ignatius)
    Just a couple more photos from the wedding/photobooth
  • Taryn Ketels (Ignatius)
    Anne and family, I am so so sorry for your loss. Timmy has been like an extra FD dad/uncle for so long, I can't imagine a world without him in it.
    Some fun memories:
    I will remember that Timmy would make my dad say “one nice thing” about democratic...  more
  • Ashley Kudron
  • Ashley Kudron
    From the moment I met him, Tim had such an impact on my life. He came into my office as a patient (I’m a physical therapist) about five years ago. As soon as he completed telling me what he was there for, (which I could tell he was skeptical of the...  more
  • Keith Brodie