Memorial Created By
Brooke Stingelin

Tom Stingelin

April 26, 1988 - June 03, 2022

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Tom Stingelin. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to to receive email updates. In lieu of flowers, we're requesting donations be made to a charitable organization. Details to be confirmed....  see more

STINGELIN, Thomas John (Tom) (Ballsbridge Dublin and formerly of Naperville Illinois, USA) 3rd June 2022 (suddenly) at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4, from Septic Shock. He leaves behind his loving parents John and Ann and his sister and best friend Brooke. Sadly missed by his family, friends and colleagues in the US and Ireland.  
7,453 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Rita Landsiedel
    Someone wrote this in a card when my 24 y/o son John died and as days pass I realized and enjoyed more and more the WISDOM of these words that I say to you...."Death tears at a wound that's difficult to heal 😢 BUT, MEMORIES are gifts that no one can...  more
  • Christine  Kuczak
  • Stephanie Jack
    At Frito Lay, Tom earned the nickname of “fast khakis” because he was perpetually in motion — the most dynamic individual who was always moving from one thing to the next with lightning quick wit and a perfectly timed joke (and also because the man...  more
  • Pat Masker
  • Nancy Selph
  • Kaitlyn Buonocore
    To John (nephew & cousin), Ann and Brooke:

    We are so very sad to hear about Tom, and our first thought is…. another beloved young member of our family taken away from us too soon.

    It breaks our hearts knowing all too well what you are going through...  more
  • Sara Daul
    I only had the opportunity to meet Tom once, but knowing Brooke was like knowing Tom. Brooke - I can still see the way you would light up while telling a story about Tom. It was so clearly evident how close you two were and how you both truly loved one...  more
  • Laura Housley
    So many of my core memories center Tom and his sister, Brooke. Some at the beach with our families, some at their home in Chicago, and some at our grandparents house. Tom taught me what a podcast was (hello, PotterCast), how to play N64 (or maybe it was...  more
  • Michael Shippy
    Tom: I used to tell you that you were in the top 5 funniest people I had ever met to which you would reply “you’re in my top 10” which would make us both laugh. Truth is, you were always the funniest. Love you Tom. 💔
  • Colleen Sullivan
    I remember when I first met Tom at the Stingelin house in the summer. Brooke and I met at IU and became instant friends. We were so excited that we both lived in the Chicago area. I often went to Brooke's house when we were home for college during the...  more
  • Irene OConner
    My deepest condolences. We all were so fond of him, and I have such wonderful memories of not only the early days of his and Jon’s friendship, but of visiting with him at Ann and John’s 60th. He exuded such joy on that day and had the same smile...  more
  • Carrianne Crabill
    4 years ago I was greeted in Reed and T.J.’s living room in Dallas by the biggest smile and heart that has forever left an everlasting impact on my life.

    I believe some people are just made with an extra layer of good, but the best ones, the truly...  more
  • Robert Bonaguro
    Tom, I have had the privilege of meeting you throughout the years and the honor of hearing about you, and the rest of your family, on the many business trips I took with your father. It is clear that you have touched many lives through your short time...  more
  • Alexis Mahler
    I am gutted that I have to write this, it breaks my heart that your mom, dad and sister are going through this. You will be forever missed. Over the 27 years we had many memories more when we were kids. Those memories came flooding back when I...  more
  • Jackie Vitiello
    I came to know and love Tom through my best friend Brooke. Brooke not only got me my first job at Blue Chip but it was also at Blue Chip that Brooke got Tom a summer internship. What an amazing time it was working together...Tom was an insanely hard...  more
  • Kiren  Devereux
    From the first time I met Tom, I knew I wanted to be his friend. It was so immediately clear that everyone he knew respected and loved him. When I joined Frito Lay in 2015, Tom was the first person I met and served as my guide to navigating the...  more
  • Glenda Garcia
    John, Ann, and Brooke, thank you for including us in his beautiful service today. I'm sending you so much love.

    I met Tom in 2016 while working at Frito Lay and consider myself so fortunate to have had him as a close friend. Tom taught me so many...  more
  • Mandy Lozano
    It’s been really rainy in Seattle this June. Which, contrary to the world’s assumptions about this city, is uncommon. It’s been dark, moody, and we all feel a bit sad.

    I cannot explain this with actual physics, but I believe each of us puts out a...  more
  • Doug Bedner
    I love you Tom. You knew how to live life to the fullest and while you did a lot after 9 PM (so I missed out) I cherished the moments we shared. I’ll miss you my friend.
  • Graham & Inge Jones
  • Tom & Judy Hansen
  • Christina Menendez
    Tom, you light, comedic energy and incredible work ethic made working on Big W such a delight. You will be missed
  • Gordon Aspin
    Tom, we remember you from the times as an inquisitive young boy to a joyful man. We cherish all the family gatherings we had together in Naperville. You are dearly missed by all who know you. God bless you and your amazing family and friends. Love to all...  more
  • Alex McLuckie
    Tom our memories span some 27 years, from the wee boy you see here to this fine young man enjoying a glass of wine. Great memories of a wonderful fella. Tom, while we grieve your passing, our memories we cherish, that is where we will find some solace,...  more
  • Michael Gonley
    I am still in shock since I got the call from Dena. As I shared with her many times, Tom was one of the most amazing partners to work with and quick to make friends. I never seen him without a big smile. We joked many times about he adopting my home and...  more
  • Psting1
    There are a few people in your life if you are very fortunate, who are ALWAYS genuinely happy to see you when you meet. You can just feel it. One of those people for me, has always been my nephew Tom Stingelin. Even when he was a toddler, whenever...  more
  • John McCormick
    From Tom's Uncle "Jack" and Aunt Sharon:
    We didn't get to see a lot of Tom since he lived far away, but when we saw him last, in 2019 at our niece's wedding, we both thought he was the coolest guy there. We never saw anyone enjoy himself more,...  more
  • Molly Glanz
    Tom was, in every sense of the word, a light. His smile lit up a room and his laughter was like a match that once struck, lit everyone around him into shared laughter. But what shined the brightest in Tom was his kindness, his warm heart, his love of...  more
  • Ashley Kulze
    Tom, was one of the best people I knew! He was the sort of person you just gravitated too and wanted to be friends with. We loved when Brooke would bring him out with our BD gang, he was just part of us. I knew if Tom was around it was going to be a fun...  more
  • TJ Griffin
    They say best friends are the family we choose. Well, being part of Tom’s chosen Dallas family is truly one of my life’s greatest blessings. The memories that Reed and I and our tight friend group created with Tom will not be forgotten because those...  more
  • Reed Robertson
    you were more than our best friend,
    you were our brother. You are our brother.
    I don’t think there’s a memory in the past decade+ that doesn’t involve a Tom-ism of some kind as you were always a value-add to any situation. Just know we will...  more
  • Janet Stingelin
    Have you ever met someone that made you feel like you were totally loved and accepted even with all your quirks, faults and imperfections? Someone who lite up a whole room the moment he walked in? Well I have, it’s my Beautiful nephew Tom or as I like...  more
  • Sara Daul
  • Risa  Douglas
    You were such a uniquely special young man, and I am forever grateful for the many years you blessed our lives… You were family to us, and I know you felt the same .. you knew how much I loved my Boyz. 💟… you certainly left your mark .. you are...  more
  • Jenni Stevens
    I feel so incredibly lucky that I knew Tom — one of the funniest, most genuine people I’ve ever met. I first met Tom when he came with Brooke to my 26th birthday party. We spent that entire night dancing and laughing which set the tone for every...  more
  • Mark Ellis
  • Matteo Mazur
    Tom, I didn’t just like you.
    I loved you.
    You didn’t just make me laugh.
    You made me cry with laughter.
    Today, I’m still crying.
    But when I think of you, the tears that run down my face will be from the endless joy and laughter you brought into so...  more
  • Michael Rochetto
    John, Ann and Brooke

    Being so close to Brooke over the years I felt like I’ve learned so much about your family which became an admiration of how loving, funny and close a family can be. It was never a dull moment hanging out with Tom, he had so much...  more
  • Janet Stingelin
  • Lauren Jones
  • Erin Walker
  • Nancy Hirko
    Ann, John and Brooke,
    Please accept my heartfelt condolences for this sad news about Tom. There are no words to lessen your grief. But I am sending hugs and prayers that you somehow get thru this difficult time.
  • Jason Nesbitt
    I have so many great memories (and the photo receipts to prove) of Tom, I’ll be remembering random things for years. I can’t fully express my sympathies to his family— I don’t have the words, butI’m glad to have known him. Rest In Peace, friend.
  • jolie laurence
  • Britnie Stingelin
    How often are you gifted with a family member that shares the same sense of humor, the same attitude, the same outlook on life? It’s rare, and I’m lucky. Lucky to have had Tom in my life. Lucky we were born weeks apart. Lucky we grew up together and...  more
  • Becky Cox
    We were next door neighbors to the Stingelins for 20+ years, so he had a first row seat to their incredible family bond. Many aspire to a bond like that, but they had it. I always called Tom a “modern renaissance” man, because he truly had it all....  more
  • Zack Stoller
    Tom was always a part of my life through my love and friendship with the Stingelin family. Laughter was such an important part of being close to Brooke and Tom brought so much joy to her and their family. Tom and the Stingelin family will always be in my thoughts.
  • Irene OConner
  • Lisa Breitengross
    I knew most of Tom through stories via his fabulous sister and my best friend, Brooke. I saw how he was her ‘person,’ that they just ‘got each other’ and how much he was a shining star in her life. As soon as I had the privilege to meet him, I...  more
  • Becky Cox