Chris' real obituary is provided in the thoughts and memories from his family and friends. Please help us tell his story by adding your memories in the "posts". These are just a couple benchmarks from a chronological perspective.
Born in Long Beach, CA January 30, 1993.
Moved to Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton,OH, in March 1994
Moved to Maxwell AFB, Montgomery AL, in June 1997
Moved to Dyess AFB, Abilene TX, in June 1998
Moved to Burke VA in June 2000
Moved to Irvine, CA in Mar 2002
Moved to Eastvale, CA in Sep 2003
Moved to Hayward, CA in June 2011, Cal State East Bay, BA Photography
FAA Licensed commercial drone pilot
Construction site Commercial Photographer/Drone Pilot for Multivista
Sunday League Baseball Centerfielder (All Star 2019, Winter League Champs 2019)
Yankee fan
Licensed motorcycle rider
Donnie Darko Fan
This is just a list of tangible accomplishments. It does not identify who he was. At times he was troubled as all young kids find themselves trying to tie up loose ends to resolve the question "who am I?" Sometimes he wanted help but most times he was determined to resolve on his own. He was loving, independent, opinionated, and unselfish. He believed in everyone's right to be an individual and love their uniqueness. He will be loved for his fierceness, swager, and smile.
A Toast to William Christopher Valentine: Beloved Son, Brother, Friend.
To Frank the Rabbit, Old Spice, saying "no" to "no", 16 year old scotch and a great cigar, biting fear in the ass, the capacity to dream beyond what is possible, and the drive to make it happen. Godspeed. Till we see you again, keep the lamp lit, we may be coming in hot. Love always. All for one. Mom, Daniel, and Dad