• Yvonne Wildgoose Slideshow

    Oct 9, 2021, 11:30 AM US/Eastern

  • Mass & Burial

    Oct 9, 2021, 11:00 AM US/Eastern

The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Yvonne Wildgoose
Raised $250
  Contributors (2)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Yvonne Wildgoose
Memorial Created By
Diane Traiger

Yvonne Wildgoose

July 05, 1930 - September 18, 2021

Please join with us in celebrating the life of Yvonne Wildgoose. Click on the heart (below, to right of picture) to post and share any happy thoughts, stories or photos of her here. Doing so will help put a smile on our collective faces as we think back fondly of the good times. Thank you for contributing...  see more

North Canaan, CT – Yvonne (Belanger) Wildgoose, 91, of 99 South Canaan Road, formerly of Lincoln and Smithfield, RI, died September 18, 2021 at the Geer Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in North Canaan, CT.  She was the wife of the late Lawrence Wildgoose.  Yvonne was born July 5, 1930 in Pawtucket, RI, daughter of the late Edward and Yvonne (LaPlante) Belanger.    Yvonne and her husband both worked in the public school system. ...  see more
1,219 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Susan Blais
    My parents, Jeanne and Ernie, were best of friends with Yvonne and Larry when I was very young. Attached are a couple of photos of a trip they took to Washington DC back in the 50s or 60s. I stayed in touch with Yvonne and Dianne now and then on trips...  more
    • Susan Blais
      Diane Traiger Susan, thanks so much for posting these pictures of the two of them - and also the one of their sidekicks. I LOVE your mom's glasses...and I think they are back in style! And also thanks for the kind words.
      • November 1, 2021
  • becky klimkosky
    I only knew Yvonne in her later years, but she had the most lovely smile, and was always beautifully dressed. Yvonne was a true lady, kind and generous. She loved her jalapeno potato chips and spicy food, whenever asked she would say yes to putting...  more
    • becky klimkosky
      Diane Traiger Becky, Thank you so much for posting your memories her. You and the rest of the staff at Cardinal Court were always so wonderful with her, always treating her with kindness and respect. I can never thank you enough. It gave me great peace of mind to...  more
      • October 13, 2021
  • Roberta Emery
    Mrs. Wildgoose was an awesome person! She and so many others who worked alongside her at Davies in the late 70’s are always remembered.
    She was always kind, caring and giving!
    She helped so many of us (then teenagers) to become the adults we are...  more
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Roberta Emery
      Diane Traiger Roberta, it was so nice of you to post these lovely thoughts about my Mom. Thank you for taking the time to do so. It is wonderful for me to know that you remember her so warmly.
      • October 21, 2021
  • Karen Lopes
    Remembering Ms. Wildgoose. She was my high school Typing teaching at Davies back in the '80s and I have never forgotten how nice she was to me. May God bless you and your family in this time of sorrow.
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Karen Lopes
      Diane Traiger Karen, Thank you for posting these lovely thoughts about my Mom. Thank you for taking the time to do so. It is wonderful for me to know that you and Roberta remember her so warmly.
      • October 21, 2021
  • Karen Lopes
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
  • Brenda Homiszczak
    Diane, I am so sorry about Aunt Yvonne. She was the most amazing woman. I'll never forget her laugh or her cooking. Food was always amazing. Her home was always spotless and decorated so beautifully. We always had so much fun with her around, she could...  more
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Brenda Homiszczak
      Diane Traiger Brenda, Thank you for posting these nice memories of my Mom. She really could make people laugh, often with stories about her own foibles, like getting lost on Sunday drives.
      • October 21, 2021
  • Mary Ann Mayer
    Dear Diane, Your mom was so very loved; these photos you've chosen to share are testament to this. She and my mom Dot Maitland were very close, and alike in many ways. They bonded while working at Davies Vocational School. I loved seeing them spend...  more
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Mary Ann Mayer
      Diane Traiger Mary Ann, Thank you for visiting the site and posting your thoughts about my Mom and your folks. Our Moms were really were more like close sisters than just plain good friends. And it seemed to me that your Dad would thoroughly enjoy their sister act!
      • October 21, 2021
  • Carol Grafton
    27 September 2021

    Dear Diane,

    When I think of Yvonne, she always brings a smile. So many memories . . .
    I remember . . . how delicately she would clean each leaf of endive for a salad, or an egg before cracking for an omelette.
    I remember . . ....  more
    • Mary Ann Mayer reacted on this.
    • Carol Grafton
      Diane Traiger Carol, Thank you for posting this lovely poetry. She always loved it when you and John would come for a visit. It was so wonderful that you truly enjoyed her company and made time for a visits whenever you could.
      • October 21, 2021
  • Sue Hunt
    Dear Diane, Your Mom was such a special friend to me and we had so many laughs together many of them as we got lost going somewhere. She was a very special lady and so caring and worried so much. She was a very hard worker and always thought of others...  more
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Sue Hunt
      Diane Traiger Sue, Thank you for posting these warm memories. I miss those good times playing cards on Friday nights with my Mom and Aunt Irene and Uncle John. It was always a blast. Hopefully the three of them are up there playing hearts, and who knows, maybe my...  more
      • October 21, 2021
  • Virginia Storey
    Part 2- on the drive to Montreal, my sisters and my cousin Diane requested a pit stop. Our bladders were the size of teaspoons. Aunt Yvonne thought it would be funny to photograph us in the bushes. Back in the car, she was quite gleeful, and I will...  more
  • Virginia Storey
    I have many memories of my Aunt Yvonne, but our family trip to Montreal Expo 67 was the best. We arrived at 1:00am, lost, in the city, and Yvonne attempted to ask for directions, in French. The guy said, "I don't speak French Lady!" We busted...  more
    • Virginia Storey
      Diane Traiger Ginny, thanks for reminding me of that trip to Montreal. Pammy mentioned it to me too when she sent her condolences. That trip was a real blast. I wonder if I will come across the pictures of the pit stop we made when I go through her boxes of pictures!
      • October 21, 2021
  • Warren Traiger
    In remembrance of my wonderful mother-in-law of 45 years. Mom was always there when help was needed, whether to take care of her Grandson or her "granddogs." She never thought of herself, only those around her. She worked two jobs so she could...  more
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Warren Traiger
      Diane Traiger Thanks, Warren for posting and even more so for the wonderful eulogy you gave for her in church.
      • October 21, 2021
  • Warren Traiger
  • Diane Traiger
    When my mom first moved into assisted living at the Village at Waterman Lake about 11 years ago, she still had her car. That made her VERY popular with the other residents. She loved doing things for others. So there was soon a small group of regulars...  more
  • Richard Edelman
    Diane and Warren- our thoughts are with you as you mourn but also remember and celebrate your Mom. The photos are wonderful, particularly the one with the sunglasses, and the wedding dress photo. Rich and Robin
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Richard Edelman
      Diane Traiger Rich and Robin, thanks for visiting the site and for your kind words about my mom. I know you did not know her very well, but you certainly heard your share of stories about her over the years.
      • October 21, 2021
  • Lorette Picciano
    Our hearts are with you Diane, and all the family. I have such wonderful memories in the college days when Diane brought me home for a weekend or two of such kindness and welcome. Your mom was funny, and kind. I remember wonderful food, and games with...  more
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Lorette Picciano
      Diane Traiger Lorette, Thanks so much for visiting the site and posting your memories of my mom. You are right, there was much laughter and love, and the world is a better place because of who she was.
      • October 21, 2021
  • Cheryl Traiger
    Miss you! I have wonderful memories of our times together at Warren and Diane's and of Diane having you there through your canning (mustard cauliflower and pickled onions) even when you couldn't make it in person.
    • Cheryl Traiger
      Diane Traiger Cheryl, Thanks for visiting the site and posting your recollections. One of the things I found in my moms stuff a couple of years ago when she moved to Geer were the recipes for the mustard cauliflower and the pickled onions. I made them for the first...  more
      • October 21, 2021
  • Cheryl Traiger
  • Jade Jegal
    You were always nice and kind to me since we first met. Thank you Nanna. I’m glad that we spent many Christmas and holidays together. People who came to our Korean wedding remember you as pretty grandma from America. Love you and I’ll miss you pretty Nanna.
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Jade Jegal
      Diane Traiger Jade, thank you for visiting the site and posting such a sweet thoughts about Nanna. I hope you had a chance to tell her that they called her the pretty grandma from America. She would have really liked hearing that!
      • October 21, 2021
  • Larry Traiger
    Miss and love you, Nanna. Thank you so much for taking care of me.
    • Diane Traiger reacted on this.
    • Larry Traiger
      Diane Traiger Larry, thank you posting for your thoughts about Nanna. She really did take care of you very well and even gave you your own spot in a separate corner of the house so you could be you and she could be herself and you didn't have to disagree about the...  more
      • October 21, 2021
  • Jade Jegal
  • Diane Traiger
    Welcoming her 1st great grandson, Aaron
    Birthday Cake
    Yvonne in Korea
  • Diane Traiger
    Welcoming her grandson, Larry
    as a Grumpy little girl
    At Larry & Jade's NY Wedding
  • Diane Traiger
    A Gorgeous Young Bride
    at Geer, feeling right at home