Jay and I became friends in college - we were really close for awhile before losing contact with one another after college. She was the most vibrant human I have ever met. She was passionate and fierce and dramatic. She was a lot of fun. We met during a particularly challenging time for me personally, and she was an amazing best friend. That just seemed to be who she was. She made you feel good about yourself, she pumped you up, and she was incredibly loyal. She encouraged everyone she met to be true to themselves, to not act in fear, and to enjoy life. We had so many great times, so many late night talks, so many adventures. Though we lost touch over the years, I always smiled when she popped up on my fb feed with other old college friends and acquaintances.
Ali Allred
You really captured who she was so well! She does stand out as that person who believes in you and won’t accept anything less than seeing you at your best. What a great trait. She really was a great supporter and helped you dream as big as possible!