My name is Zhila and I used to be Abby 's teacher for a year or two .
Dear Abby I remember you pretty well .You were one happy ,curious and creative child. I enjoyed watching you doing all different kinds of things and being very content. The smile in this picture is how I remember you the best .
Yes ,you were one happy child , of course you would get made sometimes too ,and you would let us know when you were mad . I also remember how happy you would get whenever your mom came to pick you up .You would ran to her and would go to her arms and wiggling around in her arms and telling her lets go lets go .You were happy at the school ,but you loved to go back home with your mom .The exchange of love between your mom and you were preciuos to observe .You sure were loved . You and Chris were the kids whom I did not worry about .You came from stable and very loving family .
I saw you again , may be about two or three years ago .You were coming back from your job ,I stopped you and I told you I remember you ,you also recognized me . And you greeted me with such a grace .That memorable smile appeared again on your angle looking face .Oh Abby ,so sorry that you left this world so soon .I am sure you have left so many precious moments for your loved ones .I would always remember you ,and I am grateful that I got a chance to know you even for a short time .
May we all cherish all the memories you left for us !! For me would be the way you enjoyed life as a very young child when I was your teacher .
Much love :