As youth, Catherine and I studied with the same violin teacher. In my recollection she was always smiling, cheerful, and earnest, and not one to call attention to herself. She was an excellent violinist and maintained contact with our teacher long after graduation. I will never forget Catherine’s stunning performance of the Van Goens Scherzo in a 1985 student recital. I was wowed by her playing and captivated by the piece, and since that day I wanted to play it. I tried, unsuccessfully, a few years later; I don’t think I made it past two lessons on the piece. As a tribute and a remembrance, I plan to learn the Scherzo, starting this week, with the hope of passing on delight, and her light, to others when it is ready.
In this post-concert photo, Catherine is kneeling in the front row next to our teacher, Mrs. Rudin. (Possibly in her senior year of high school.)