Jeanne-Marie Garon Taylor's Album: Wall Photos

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We'd like to share some of our favorite quotes from Henry's books:

"To truly be happy, we must be prayerful, repeatedly asking God to enlighten us."

"Time is God's way of loving us out of the past and into the future."

"A worthwhile question to ask: To what extent has history been improved by my presence in this world?"

"The greatest of adventures is doing God's will at every moment and seeing where it leads you."

"Wherever you go today, no matter how you feel or what happens, trust in God's constant presence and guidance."

"Ask yourself several times each day, 'What does God want me to do right now?' and then do it."

"When moved by beautiful music, it is God we are experiencing."

"The losses we suffer in this life can open new pathways to God."