Recently I was thinking about how we met and what a perfect time in my life it was to meet you and hopefully for you to meet me. You were so willing and open to share some of the biggest moments of your life with me - a total stranger doing research for my thesis. I don’t know how (or why) you knew you could trust me but I’m so grateful that you did. It was an intense way to start a friendship!
As I’ve told many people through the decades, the phrase “she lights up a room” is 100% about you.
You can’t imagine how often I think of you and how every single time it makes me smile. I miss being in your presence. I was remembering the time we met at Gray’s Papaya in the city. I’m going to be there in September and I'm going to raise a smoothie to you.
I hope you know there are countless people, far away in time and distance, who think of you and miss your light.
I truly do love you, Juanita.