I met Dick in 1970 in Zurich, Switzerland, where I was his German teacher at the Berlitz school. I have to admit that I was not very successful, because he took every opportunity to suggest going to the cafe downstairs. I only agreed if he promised to speak German; he kept his promise by speaking a few words and then continuing in English! Mostly he wanted to talk about his new girlfriend Angela. We became good friends and attended their wedding celebration in the poshest hotel in Zurich. We kept in touch across continents mostly via Christmas cards. But we reconnected again in about 2004. I have a son and family living in San Francisco, so when we visited them we came up to visit Dick & Angela in El Dorado Hills and then their new home. Dick was a terrific host (as was Angela) and we had great times together. I have fond memories of his wonderful BBQ skills and always having a bottle ready to fill our glasses. My heart goes out to Angela who will miss him sorely, but he will always be in our hearts.