Katie Urban's Album: Wall Photos

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Stephanie's smile will never be forgotten. I know it was difficult to see those dimples behind her mask! Her warm welcome made every single person feel seen and included. She had this zest for life that I will always remember. Stephanie took on new challenges left and right, for her own development. She raised her hand to drive to a different state, because she wanted her peer to have a much deserved vacation. Stephanie was ALWAYS thinking about others. She was the most selfless person I have ever met. I am going to miss our time together, miss hearing about her beautiful babies, how excited she was more recently to be the cashier at the school book fair (her words "I'm shamelessly excited!"). Overall, I'm going to miss our friendship. Stephanie was recognized by her peers by leading with Honesty, Inclusion and Connection. Those three values could not be more perfect to describe her. XO