Michael Houston's Album: Wall Photos

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The Johnson family has been an integral part of my time at MKA. I have taught and/or advised Sarah, Matt, Will, MH, and Annie, and they all have come to mean so much to me, as has Michael and Mary. I often said that Mary and Michael must have an evil demon child hidden in the basement, because no family has that many kids who are all so wonderful. There has to be an outlier somewhere! And when Annie graduated, I told her to tell her mother to have another child because I couldn't imagine an MKA without a Johnson. This past summer she asked in passing if I was going to be able to travel, and I told her that my husband and I were going to France for a few weeks. Within minutes, she had upgraded our tickets without a moment's hesitation using her own points. For her it might have been a very small thing, for us it meant the world. I will miss her warmth, generosity, and humor, we all will miss her. Not a day goes by that I don't think of what Mary and the whole Johnson family mean to me. xxoo