I came to meet Sal through my dear friend Chrissy. During the early days of their courtship, you could tell that Sal had caught Chrissy’s attention and that there was something very special and genuine about Sal. When she ‘debuted’ Sal to our cohort of friends, there was an instant agreement that he was indeed a great match for her. Since that initial introduction, I have gotten to know Sal and come to recognize and appreciate many of the outstanding qualities others have mentioned. His kindness and thoughtfulness for others was demonstrated not only in small social interactions that I had with him, but through his professional career dedicated to education – and the high standard of learning he instilled with his kids. A scholar in his own right, I always appreciated the discussions we often found ourselves in over a delicious homemade meal he prepared. He was a generous host in every sense of the word and was a gracious and loving presence to Chrissy, his family and his friends. It is hard to believe he is no longer with us in the physical sense, but his kindness and compassion for life will remain a fitting legacy for all those that had the privilege of knowing him. My condolences to Sal’s family and to my dear friend Chrissy – we are with you!