• Celebration of Life

    Nov 11, 2019, 3:00 PM US/Eastern

  • The Memorial

    Aug 25, 2019, 10:30 AM US/Eastern

Memorial Created By
Pearl Bell

Bernard White Bell Jr.

November 11, 1948 - August 07, 2019

Join us in celebrating the life of Bernard White Bell Jr. Contribute to this lasting memorial by sharing stories, memories, photos, and videos. The family is arranging services to be held in Tucson, AZ on Nov 11th at 3pm. Details will be announced here via events. The family encourages donations to...  see more

Bernard (Bernie) White Bell Jr., 70, died August 7th, 2019 at 5:00pm in a fatal car crash outside of Conifer, Colorado. Bernard was born November 11, 1948 in Charlotte, North Carolina to Bernard White Bell Sr. and Dorthoy Grey Jonhson Bell.  Bernard graduated from John Overton High School in Nashville, TN. He received a Bachelors of Science degree with distinction with a double major in Astronomy and Physics, Masters of Science, and...  see more
5,167 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Dan Brocious
    Tucson, Ariz. Nov. 7, 2019.

    On behalf of all friends and family of Bernie Bell, I walked in the Tucson All Souls Procession on Sunday night.

    As I walked, I thought mostly about our times in Peru and Bernie's wide-ranging interests. He would have...  more
  • Pearl Bell
    The information for the November 11th Celebration of life has been finalized. Please share and encourage RSVP's. It should be noted that Nov 11th was Bernard's Birthday and this year marks the Transit of Mercury across the sun.
  • Marc Sabb
    Marc Sabb added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Bernard White Bell Jr.:
  • Pearl Bell
    Several People have asked for this poem that I read at the Memorial by Aaron Freeman

    You want a physicist to speak at your funeral. You want the physicist to talk to your grieving family about the conservation of energy, so they will understand that...  more
    Death Physics: What Happens to Our Energy When We Die? | Futuris
  • Marc Sabb
    I first met Bernard in the mid 80's when we were working on the same experiment at Optical Sciences. We hit it off immediately. Bernard ended up teaching me a lot of optics and we used to run the Par Course and play racquetball on campus. He gave me shit...  more
  • Art Brothman
    Bernard was one of a kind - always smiling and always fun to be around. I will miss our hikes together, bike-rides and just shooting the breeze with him about virtually anything. I know his family will cherish many wonderful memories with him; I certainly will!
  • Art Brothman
    Art Brothman added 11 photo(s) to the memorial Bernard White Bell Jr.:
  • Pearl Bell
    Pearl Bell added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Bernard White Bell Jr.:
  • Joe Gotobed
    I met Bernard & Linda around 1975 or 76. He was an “old guy” in his mid twenties
    turning to astronomy & physics. Just a couple things....

    We did an off-road trip (with Ed Beshore) on our BMWs from Dripping Springs wash over Pinal Peak. At one point...  more
  • Pearl Bell
    Pearl Bell added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Bernard White Bell Jr.:
  • Marc Sabb
    Marc Sabb added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Bernard White Bell Jr.:
  • Marc Sabb
    Marc Sabb added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Bernard White Bell Jr.:
  • Pearl Bell
    Pearl Bell added 9 photo(s) to the memorial Bernard White Bell Jr.: