• Celebration of Brian

    Feb 17, 2020, 5:00 PM US/Eastern

  • Funeral

    Feb 17, 2020, 3:00 PM US/Eastern

Memorial Created By
Rachel Cohen

Brian Cohen

September 19, 1937 - February 11, 2020

This site is in memory of Brian Cohen. We would love you to share your stories, photos or other memories here. We are not asking for flowers or a donation (so ignore the box below). Those of you who knew Brian will know that he would much rather you spend your money on enjoying life - including having...  see more

Brian died at home on 11th of February 2020. He had been ill with lung cancer. Both his daughters were with him. Brian is survived by his children Rachel and Hilary, grandchildren, Axel and Milan, sister Ruth, (ex)wife Barbara and sons-in-law Simon and Hervê. Brian was born at London Hospital, Whitechapel, the son of Woolf and Eva, first and second generation immigrants from Eastern Europe. He grew up in an orthodox Jewish household...  see more
2,027 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Rachel Cohen
    The following was sent by Jo Tulloch, who spoke at Brian's funeral.

    From Jo Tulloch 27 March 2020

    One morning Brian Cohen, completely naked, flung open the shutters at his bedroom window to find a mob below hailing him as the Messiah. His mother had...  more
  • Barbara Cohen
    From Nick Deakin and Lucy Gaster
    February 13th 2020

    Dear Barbara, Rachel and Hilary

    We are terribly sad to hear about Brian’s death and feel lucky that we were able to see him last week. It was lovely to know that he was happy that we came, and...  more
  • Barbara Cohen
    Paul Ward spoke at Brian's funeral

    Val & I were coming up to see Brian this week but he beat us to it and left town. We are very sad.

    Brian and I met on Social Administration course in the early 60’s. We arrived at university...  more
  • David Conroy
    From Brian's oldest cousin

    I was all of 5 months old when Brian was born so obviously I knew him most of my life - and sadly we're all here because I knew him all of his. But I didn't really become aware of him until we were about 6 or 7 when we visited...  more
  • Barbara Cohen
    My speech at Brian's funeral

    Hello, I’m Barbara and Yes, I am a California girl. For Brian a new cultural experience.
    I came to London for one year and…. I’m still here. And Brian was the reason I stayed.
    I was a Social Admin student at LSE in...  more
  • Rachel Cohen
    Rachel Cohen added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Brian Cohen: