Memorial Created By
Kevin Mullen

Charles Matthew Johnson

June 12, 1969 - March 24, 2020

Welcome to the GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Charles Matthew Johnson. Please share your stories, memories and photos of Matt. We will also use this site to plan a celebration of life event just as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Matt will be dearly missed by all he touched in his life.  A full remembrance/obituary will be posted here as soon as possible.   
1,974 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Dee Liggitt
    MJ- You were the most loving, caring, thoughtful, respectful, man any woman could have ever only dreamed of having in her life.. I happened to be one of the lucky ones that enjoyed 7 years with you and wish we had many more to come. I will forever love...  more
  • Rick Gaither
    As I said before, Matt and I weren’t super close. But he was my brother and always will be. I’m really glad to have known him especially in good times and good health. It’s been a while since we talked or saw each other but that doesn’t matter....  more
  • Sarah Manion
    What I remember most about Matt is his infectious smile. I actually can’t recall him ever not smiling... He had the cutest crinkly eyes and the greatest laugh, that’s what I truly remember most about him. He had such a fun and adventurous spirit and...  more
  • Eric  Tomlon
    Matt, Fats, MJ. Miss you brother. Such a great guy. Good person. One of the smartest guys I knew. So many great memories in the ATO house and after. Spring break 1990 he and I drove from Vegas straight home on a Sunday afternoon because we had to...  more
  • Jeri- Sue Dean
    I haven't seen Matt in so long, but I know a thousand people could say 'he was my friend' and they would be right. In my memory , he was easy to be around. I met him through CSU friends and then a lot of us started out working at Charles Schwab a...  more
  • Cindy Mullen
    I have so many memories of Matt. Playing volleyball at CSU, working at Schwab, leaving my husky Shadow at his house when he lived with Kevin and Shadow and his dog Malcolm pulled the house plants apart and then went for a walk for a few days. Matt was...  more
  • Joe Zummo
    I have not seen Matt since shortly after graduating from CSU....too long. But I remember him as one of the nicest, smartest, and funniest guys in the house. He was always kind and considerate and fun to be around. My prayers go out to him and his family.
  • Kevin Mullen
    Floating down the river at Guernsey with Greg and Eric. We saw a Bald Eagle on a tree on top of a cliff, we were so inspired we started singing the National Anthem.
  • Joe Kruse
    Joe Kruse added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Charles Matthew Johnson:
  • Joe Kruse
    Matt was my pledge dad at ATO in 1988. There was a pledge rush event at Rollerland and Matt and I had a huge wipe out on skates. I wound up kicking him in the forehead with the toe of my skate. He had the most massive egg shaped contusion on his...  more
  • Rob Heil
    I was fortunate enough to meet Matt in college and become friends. He was a genuine and sincere guy. I have a lot of fond memories of him. He always had a smile and a friendly word, and he was a blast to be around. I wish his family love and support.
  • David McLaughlin
    Matt was such a good guy. He had a great sense of humor. I’ll always remember the endless summer volleyball games in the sand pit. You’ll be missed my friend.
  • Dana Dawson
    Like a lot of us college fraternity brothers, I fell out of touch with Matt over the years. When we'd run into each other, it was like we had never left off. I was always amazed by Matt's natural athletic abilities. One of those types, that was great at...  more
  • Mike Rogers
    Matt was one of the nicest, and most MELLOW, guys I have ever met. He was a natural athlete. He and I would have marathon tennis matches that went on seemingly forever, because he was quite a competitor as well. Six days prior to his passing he reached...  more
  • Chris Joswick
    Matt golfing with my dad, Paul Olson and I for our engagement party
  • Chris Joswick
    Matt was a groomsman in my wedding, July 2015
  • Chris Joswick
    Matt, Dale Anderson and me
  • Luke Satre
  • Luke Satre
  • Luke Satre
  • Luke Satre
  • Luke Satre
    I met Matt when we were freshmen in college. We pledged ATO, were roommates for much of college, graduated, started the same first job and worked a couple other jobs after that together. He was funny and kind. He was athletic and competitive. He was...  more
  • De La
    • De La
      De La B-52s. Great day
      • April 3, 2020
  • Kevin  Darrah
  • Kevin  Darrah
  • Kevin  Darrah
  • Kevin  Darrah
  • Kevin  Darrah
    MJ - The first day I met you in High School you were this skinny kid who just moved from Hawaii with a big fro. I got the opportunity to watch you run past every kid on the soccer team, we put up some great numbers on the field but more importantly we...  more
  • Kevin Mullen
    More pics... college and bachelor life.
  • Lynn Kisic
    Matt - Though life's journey took us down separate paths over the years, I will always cherish the wonderful memories we shared together. My thoughts and prayers are with the Johnson family. May you find strength, hope, and peace during this difficult...  more
  • Kevin Mullen
    MJ, you will forever be missed my brother. We shared so many memories for the last 30+ years it is nearly impossible to remember them all. While you are gone, you will never be forgotten.
    Rest in Peace
  • Truman Johnson
    • Kevin Mullen reacted on this.
    • Truman Johnson
      Kevin Mullen Matt holding Jordan Mullen in the hospital, our first friend to hold her, and he fully scrubbed down first!
      • March 31, 2020
  • Kevin Mullen
    Kevin Mullen added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Charles Matthew Johnson:
  • Kevin Mullen
    Kevin Mullen added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Charles Matthew Johnson:
  • Kevin Mullen
    Kevin Mullen added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Charles Matthew Johnson:
  • Kevin Mullen
    Kevin Mullen added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Charles Matthew Johnson:
  • Kevin Mullen
    Kevin Mullen added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Charles Matthew Johnson: