• Visitation Services in Southern California

    Jul 3, 2020, 4:00 PM US/Pacific

The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Cindy Kieu Nguyen


Funeral Expenses & Support the family.

Raised $18,677
  Contributors (175)
You can also select a charitable cause that is personally meaningful to you or one that was important to Cindy Kieu Nguyen
Memorial Created By
Alexandra Nguyen Rivera

Cindy Kieu Nguyen

September 21, 1985 - June 24, 2020

We created this memorial to celebrate the life of Cindy Kieu Nguyen. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan gatherings, we will post invites. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Cindy Kieu Nguyen was born on September 21st, 1985 to Viet and Kim Kieu in Escondido, CA. The family moved to Portland, OR a year later. She has 3 younger sisters: Christine, Tina, and Trini. Cindy attended Century High School and played varsity basketball as a freshman.  She later attended Portland State University and then moved to California, graduating from San Joaquin Valley College's School of Dental Hygiene in 2013. Since then,...  see more
25,103 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • L J
    L J:
    My condolences for the loss of your loved one. The hurt and pain of losing a loved one is difficult. Please know that God is near to those that are broken at heart and who are crushed in spirit.(Psalm 34:18) God will wipe away all tears from their eyes...  more
  • Sharon Mills
    I met Chris and Cindy through my husband Ryan who has known them for many years and was a groomsman in their wedding. The first time was in December 2016 at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch football, the beginning of many such hangouts. Cindy was about 5...  more
  • Alexandra Nguyen Rivera
    Your first Thanksgiving after-party in 2008. Cheers to you then. Cheers to you now! 🍻
  • Mina Le
    Dear Cindy,
    We will always remember that bright smile, that caring heart, and that warm embrace that you gave us. We are blessed to have shared so many special memories with you. Remembering all the fun times at our family gatherings, hanging out at...  more
  • Emeri Fennell
    Cindy I have so many wonderful memories growing up with your sister Trini. You were a great big sister to your siblings and to me as well. Rest in heavenly peace 💗 you will be missed
  • Jennifer Nguyen
    Hot pot at Boiling Point will never be the same without you. You know as well as I do that we were perfect BP partners as we traded seafood and veggies from our pots. On hot days or cold, that was our spot. I enjoyed all the last minute hang outs on our...  more
  • Tia Ca
    I don’t even know where to start. Condolences to your family... I’m so sorry for your loss, she was an amazing soul full of laughter! You will all be in my prayers, please stay strong. *Cheers to many memories that will NEVER be forgotten!*
  • David Le
    Dear Cindy,
    It still feels like it’s all a bad dream and you’re still here with us. The first time we’ve met, we talked about the Blazers and we just clicked. You were one of the few girls that could hold a sports conversation with me. I loved that...  more
  • Vee  Alli
    Cindy as I’m struggling to find the words to write to share with everyone what I remember of you all I can think of is you have gone too soon. I want to laugh and think of all the fun times we had together as a family. I remember when I first met you I...  more
  • Lirra Conrad
    • Lirra Conrad
      Lirra Conrad Cindy, your insatiable love for pepperoni pizza and disgust for condiments always made me chuckle. There are so many memories I have of you and every single one is a happy one. From Blazer and Seahawks games to our infamous house parties. From a new...  more
      • June 26, 2020
  • Lirra Conrad
  • Shannon Basa
    Cindy you were such a sweet friend. You and I were just texting last week and was happy to chat it up with you. I’m going to miss your beautiful and funny self. Your little growing family is beautiful friend. My heart and prayers goes out to your...  more
  • Sandy Lee
    Long lines were never an issue when we went to Disneyland. 😂 So many family memories with you that I will forever remember and miss. We always talked about more family vacations together and how you always enjoyed watching the kids play together! ...  more
  • Alexandra Nguyen Rivera
    Alexandra Nguyen Rivera added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Cindy Kieu Nguyen: