
Charitable Donations in Honor of Don Whiting
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Don Whiting
Memorial Created By
Christina Whiting

Don Whiting

November 21, 1957 - May 11, 2020

Thank you for visiting this memorial that celebrates the life of Don/Donald/Donny Whiting. We hope you will share stories, memories, photos and/or videos of your times spent with him. Seeing these will bring comfort and joy to his family and friends during this time of grief. Thank you for contributing to...  see more

(While we are pouring our hearts into this online memorial during this time of social distancing, we know that Don would much prefer for us to gather over coffee to toast him and roast him. Don't worry Uncle Donny, those plans are in the works for a later date!) A character through and through, Don was born on November 21, 1957 in Edmonton, Alberta to Art and Emma Whiting, the youngest of his siblings - Bud, Jim, Wayne, Les and Melva....  see more
921 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Christina Whiting
    Just found this handwritten letter and stories that Uncle Donny sent me in 2015. What a treasure these are!
  • Christina Whiting
    Christina Whiting added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Don Whiting:
  • Christina Whiting
    Christina Whiting added 6 photo(s) to the memorial Don Whiting:
  • Christina Whiting
    Oh my gosh, I have so many wonderful memories of time spent with my Uncle Donny. Some of my favorites include going Boxing Day shopping with him. He was always so childlike and excited as he roamed the aisles, looking for the perfect gift for friends and...  more