Memorial Created By
Marie Swift

Edward A. Jacobson, Ph.D.

Join us in celebrating the life of Edward A. Jacobson, Ph.D. Contribute to this lasting memorial by sharing stories, memories, photos, and videos. As we plan gatherings, we will post invites with event information on GatheringUs. Share this memorial with family and friends, and remember to RSVP to help us...  see more

Edward A. Jacobson, Ph.D. was loved and respected. One of the things he was known for was teaching others how to use positive psychology and appreciative listening in their businesses and their lives. Ed's book, Appreciative Moments, has helped those who read it understand the power of asking transformative questions. This optimistic, strength-based approach has been the key to remarkable personal and organizational change for so many...  see more
5,194 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Douglas Johnson
    In 1994, Ed was instrumental in the successful installation of new accounting and purchasing systems for the State of Michigan. His concepts of understanding and managing change guided the entire conversion process. The project team consisted of state...  more
  • Marie Swift

    Dear Kinder Institute Community,

    It is with great sadness that I share with you that my dear friend and long-time Kinder Institute trainer, Ed Jacobson, died peacefully on Thursday evening after suffering a sudden...  more
  • Marie Swift
    Marie Swift added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Edward A. Jacobson, Ph.D.:
    Ed Appreciation Celebration
    Appreciative Moments by Edward A. Jacobson, Ph.D.
    Edward A. Jacobson and Jody Jacobson
    Edward A. Jacobson, Ph.D.
  • Terry Backmann
    Sorry to hear of Ed's passing. I met him at a seminar and really enjoyed him and learned from him. He will be missed.
  • Jake Engle
    Ed showed me the power of the positive. "What's new and good with you" is what I opened all my client meetings with until the day I retired. I really admired Ed, and I know he lived well and happily. Blessings on all of us who did our best...  more
  • Phil Dyer
    Ed - You entered my life at a time that your wisdom and wit were greatly needed. Thank you for being a guide, sounding board, intellectual fencing partner and keen observer of “what’s really important.” Thank you for your insight, your generosity...  more
  • Michael Kay
    After listening and learning from Ed at an MQ Retreat[the first time we met], I approached him at the final night gathering. I looked at him and asked, "Are you my guide for the next part of my journey?" to which he replied.."I was...  more
  • Mike Dubis
    I am so sad to learn of Ed's passing. I am sorry I did not stay in touch after he moved from the Madison area.

    Ed was one of my coaches and, for my small time with him, a friend. I always think of his teaching as cornerstone for my better-me. Ed...  more
    • Jody Jacobson reacted on this.
    • Mike Dubis
      Jody Jacobson Beautiful, Mike. The most amazing thing was to say something to make Ed, the master of wit, laugh. I'm sure he is laughing his laugh with your retelling of those stories...and your graceful spelling of a---holes
      • September 30, 2019
  • Colin Drake
    Ed was a special man of substance, heart, humor and compassion. I appreciate his presence in and contribution to our profession. I loved being part of his appreciative inquiry group and am very grateful for the way his wisdom helped us access some of our...  more