Memorial Created By
Jenny Ruchti

Gregory Ruchti

August 08, 1980 - May 13, 2019


Here is a place for us to celebrate and remember all of the beautiful ways that Greg impacted all of our lives. His greatest fear was that he would be forgotten after his death and I assured him that was so far from the truth. He brought humor and positivity and love into everything that he did and every life that he touched. His memory will continue to live on as we tell stories and have new adventures in his honor.Please use this...  see more
8,210 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Robert  Sachse
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Rob, Tim, Mary Sue, Mark and families
  • Eric Gunderson
    Eric Gunderson added 9 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
    • Eric Gunderson
      Eric Gunderson First photos show Uncle Greg leading a talk about space and telescopes at Will's 7th birthday party. He was a huge hit! The kids were so excited.
      • May 17, 2019
    • Eric Gunderson
      Eric Gunderson Last photos show Uncle Greg with niece and nephews on an outing to the Science Center in Baltimore.
      • May 17, 2019
  • Jenny Bermin
    Greg was adored by our boys. BBQs in Dalby generally involved Greg chasing them round the garden making the sound of a dentist’s drill before tickling them. That was before he grilled the best home made burgers!
  • Karin Lind
    A conference in Greg’s honor. He is mourned by a world of astronomers.
    Stars without borders – a Galaxy in crisis
  • Jenny Bermin
    Five years ago today. Greg running the Gothenburg children’s run with Wyn.
  • Annemarieke Beekman
    I will never forget... the first time our hubbies meet in Munich... traditional Danish herring... Even though Greg wasn't fond of fish, he learned that herring swims very well in Danish schnapps. It might even taste well:)!

    Mexican mojito's, going for...  more
  • Lotta Vedenbrant
    Lotta Vedenbrant added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Chris Jorgenson
    Chris Jorgenson added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Christina  Clausen
    Christina Clausen added 8 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • James Davies
    James Davies added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Briana Betz
  • Jenny Bermin
  • Kristin Gunn
    Kristin Gunn added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Kristin Gunn
    Kristin Gunn added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Kristin Gunn
    Kristin Gunn added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Kristin Gunn
    Kristin Gunn added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Laura Kelley
    Laura Kelley added 8 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Annamieka Gunderson
    Annamieka Gunderson added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Jenny Ruchti
    Jenny Ruchti added 50 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Karin Lind
    Karin Lind added 16 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Lotta Vedenbrant
    Lotta Vedenbrant added 7 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Lotta Vedenbrant
    Lotta Vedenbrant added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Jenny Ruchti
    Jenny Ruchti added 77 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Edita Stonkutė
    Edita Stonkutė added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Thomasin Miller
    Thomasin Miller added 6 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Thomasin Miller
    Thomasin Miller added 21 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Thomasin Miller
    Thomasin Miller added 22 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Roger Chang
    Roger Chang added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • William Beekman
    Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-brow'd night,
    Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die,
    Take him and cut him out in little stars,
    And he will make the face of heaven so fine
    That all the world will be in love with night
    And pay no worship to the...  more
  • Roger Chang
    Roger Chang added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti:
  • Lynn Carlson
    Lynn Carlson added 7 photo(s) to the memorial Gregory Ruchti: