
Charitable Donations in Honor of Hubert Remi Ngueha
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Hubert Remi Ngueha
Memorial Created By
Carol Gonzalez

Hubert Remi Ngueha

November 07, 1965 - April 27, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Hubert Remi Ngueha. Collecting our stories, photos and memories here will offer us great comfort as we remember this gentle spirit, this extraordinary man who touched the lives of so many. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Hubert Remi Ngueha died on April 27 after battling the Covid 19 virus. He had been on life support for two weeks at Adventist White Oak Medical Center in Maryland. Born on 7 November 1965 in Victoria, Cameroon of the Bamileke people, Hubert was active in CVX in his home country and continued his CLC vocation when he emigrated to the USA, initially in Texas before moving to the Washington, D.C. area. He was close friends with Fred...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Carole Monica Burnett
    I thank God for having sent Hubert into the world and for shaping him into the man that he was.

    An appropriate Scripture text for Hubert's passing is in Matthew 25:

    "Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the...  more
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Carol Gonzalez added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Hubert Remi Ngueha:
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Carol Gonzalez added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Hubert Remi Ngueha:
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Hubert's son Patrick at the Memorial Mass held for Hubert in Cameroon.
  • Like Henry, I first met Hubert at the MAR CLC regional gathering. I was just getting my bearings in CLC and Hubert was a great help in orienting me and making me feel a part of the gathering despite not knowing anyone. He was kind and generous, always...  more
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Carol Gonzalez added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Hubert Remi Ngueha:
  • Florence  NGUEHA
    The pain is great. My darling, you are leaving a very big void for both your little family and your big family ; It is God's Will. Rest in peace. You Will stay in our heart forever. Your wife Florence
  • Carol Gonzalez
    "God of all consolation, grant to those who sorrow the spirit of faith and courage, that they may have the strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience; not sorrowing without hope, but trusting in your goodness; through him who...  more
  • Carol Gonzalez
    From the African St Augustine, "This Only Do I Ask of thy extreme kindness. That thou convert me wholly to thee And thou allow nothing to prevent me From wending my way to thee." One of the prayers Henry and i prayed as part of the communion of...  more
    • Carol Gonzalez
      Carol Gonzalez "Go forth from this world, Hubert, in the love of God the Father/Mother who created you, in the mercy of Jesus Christ who redeemed you, in the power of the Holy Spirit who strengthens you. In communion with all the faithful, may you dwell this day in peace." Amen
    • Carol Gonzalez
      Carol Gonzalez "God our Creator, we thank you that you have made each of us in your own image, and given us gifts and talents with which to serve you. We thank you for Hubert, the years we shared with him, the good we saw in him, the love we received from him. Now give...  more
    • Carol Gonzalez
      Carol Gonzalez "Merciful and compassionate God, we bring you our grief in the loss of Hubert and ask for courage to bear it. We bring you our thanks for all you give us in those we love; and we bring you our prayers for peace of heart in the knowledge of your mercy and...  more
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Sharing reflections that may be of comfort to others as we make this healing journey together...holding Grief and Gratitude.
  • Carol Gonzalez
    The following letter was written 3 May 2020 by the Provost of The Catholic University of America in Memoriam of Hubert:

    Dear Colleagues,

    I write to inform you of the death of Hubert Remi Ngueha due to complications from COVID-19. He was, for many...  more
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Carol Gonzalez added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Hubert Remi Ngueha:
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Hubert's son Patrick with his mother Florence
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Hubert's last Facebook post...
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Carol Gonzalez added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Hubert Remi Ngueha:
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Carole Burnett shared a letter of recommendation for Hubert, written in 2005 by a math teacher at Springbrook High School in Silver Spring. This teacher, Mr. Ishikawa ("Mr. Ish"), was beloved by the students, including two of Carole’s sons who had Mr....  more
  • Guy Maginzi
    Hubert, Hubert, Ngueha Hubert Remi... Depuis le jour où tu m'as accueilli chez toi à Douala, ton amitié m'a accompagné sur monts et vallées où nos vies nous ont conduit. Et là, tu viens de hâter le pas, me laissant dans une douleur si profonde et...  more
  • Elizabeth Leone
    Elizabeth Leone added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Hubert Remi Ngueha:
  • Elizabeth Leone
    Dear Florence, children (Christiane, William, Patrick), and all extended family, of Hubert,
    On May 2, 2020, we celebrated Good Shepherd Sunday/4th Sunday of Easter. We sang this song, which reminded me of Hubert. This was his life — a search to...  more
    What a beautiful song! Thank you very much, Sister.
  • Carol Gonzalez
    Celebrating that happy day when Hubert, an asylum seeker who had to flee his native land, became a US citizen. All of us remember him as a sweet, gentle, caring, and compassionate person, whom we have lost to covid-19.
  • Henry Gonzalez
    My first memories of Hubert, some that go back some 11 or 12 years, happen to be the ones that continue to linger most clearly. It was at a regional gathering/retreat of Christian Life Community members that took place in western Pennsylvania, where I...  more