• Celebration of Life

    Apr 23, 2022, 11:00 AM US/Central

Memorial Created By
Alexis Sutton

John Geocaris

Thank you for visiting John's memorial page. Please leave a message, a photo, a memory. We love to hear from his fellow loved ones. He will be dearly missed.

John Geocaris bid us farewell on March 23, 2022 from his home in Denver, CO at the age of 70.   John was born to the late Angelo and Irene Geocaris on February 1, 1952 in Chicago, IL. He grew up on Chicago’s North Shore among his big Greek family, including siblings James, Connie and Dan, with endless food and a collection of stories to match. Ever the curious and at times hot-headed child, John had a nose for trouble, coupled with...  see more
5,416 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Steve Spencer
    I am very sorry to hear this news, belated as it is. John befriended me in the course of some great struggles I was having building my food company several years ago. I wasn't in a position to pay for his invaluable advice, but that didn't deter John. ...  more
  • I. Keith Gordon
    Dear Monica,
    Attached are a few photos of Billy's wedding. I had the arduous responsibility of performing as Best Man; had I been managing the camera, there would have been more photos of you and the family. I trust that you still have the one...  more
  • I. Keith Gordon
    These photos are from Billy and Amy’s wedding 7/5/2002
  • George  Balsamo
    I was saddened to learn that John has left this world. I worked for Little Lady Foods during 1991-92. When I started. I was on the brink of homelessness. Working there helped me get my life together. Though I would have liked to stay with the company...  more
  • Leslie Henderson
    Dear Monica & family,
    John mentored me to navigate corporate-life to better promote myself & to make myself heard at my job in Mondelez. I really appreciated our breakfast meetings where he encouraged me to just be me - that was the truest...  more
  • Michael Kahn
    This is a picture from John's Chicago forum - the working guys forum, retreat to Palo Alto several years back. On behalf of everyone in our forum, we all are heartbroken at your passing. We will miss your sense of humor, wisdom and open mindedness. ...  more
  • Megan Freeman
    JTG was the best. My mother and Monica, Mike, and my brother, Bill, have been best friends for many years, so I spent a lot of time at their home back when they lived on 14th Street. Admittedly, when I was a little girl, I found him intimidating (he was...  more
  • Janet Dykstra
    Dear Monica and Family,
    Larry and I were shocked to hear about John's passing. We remember John as being a gentle, kind and happy person and always enjoyed his presence at church functions (and beyond). We extend our sincere condolences at this very sad time.
  • Edmund O'Keeffe
    I got to know John thought the consulting work he did with both private equity firms and food start ups. John cared deeply for the people he worked with and was always focused on making helpful connections, coaching and finding ways to share his deep...  more
  • Connie Geocaris
    Hey Billy, These we’re such fun times and you 2 were great coaches. Memorable after parties at Frair Tucks.
  • Bill Spiro
    I first met a very likeable teenage beanpole calling himself John Geocaris in high school in 1964. He was then about 15 pounds heavier than me and over a foot taller. I was a roommate of John's for a year in college where, among other activities, we...  more
  • Marc Schulman
    On behalf of all of us at Eli's Cheesecake and our Family, I want to extend our deepest sympathy over the loss of John. For us, he was a sounding board, a source for ideas and a friend to vent with when the challenges of the food business seemed...  more
  • G Craig
    I am one of a group of individuals attempting to get a new food product to market. After being introduced to John about a year and half ago and engaging with him to shepherd our group through the process, I felt confident our goals would be achieved. ...  more
  • Paul blumberg
    Heartfelt condolences to the Geocaris family. I only met John a few times, but knew right away what a good guy, and class act he was.

    Dan, it's been just a little while since rooming with you on Tejon, or hanging at your house watching the Bears crush...  more
  • Richard Jacobs
  • Douglas Monieson
    John and I invested together in early stage companies through Hyde Park Angels. His knowledge on the food space and his patient, thoughtful guidance saw me through many deals. I will miss him and my thoughts go to his wife, kids and extended family.
  • Jimmy John Geos ypo bro
    Johnny was The Godfather in our forum . Always had words of wisdom about taking care of our aging parents . Always talked about his baby's , and always talked about how kick ass his lady was . Oh boy he loved you so much . What a man , what a Dad , what...  more
  • Rodney Petersen
    Reaching back to days at NTHS you were an example of high values and kindness.

    Rodney Petersen
  • Alejandro Nunez
    John Geocaris was a great person, kind, caring and firm on his decisions. I had the privilege to work with him and Dan for close to ten years. During that time the operations team in Little Lady Foods was strong and driven to keep the company growing...  more
  • Rick Pederson
    You have been a lighthouse, a comforting and reliable constant in the dark. Like a lighthouse you have withstood challenging storms and emerged steadfast and bright. Always there to offer guidance to others, many relied on you to help guide their...  more
  • Mark Mueller
    Very hard news…I was blessed to know John, or as some of us liked to refer to him, “JTG”. He was fun and funny all the same. But what I remember most about JTG was that he was kind and humble - just a wonderful guy. He was impossible not to...  more
  • Jim and Sally Wascher
    John was one of our best friends for more than 40 years, first in the Chicago area and then here in Denver. We will forever treasure the fun times we had with Monica and him on the beach for volleyball, on the softball field, playing golf or just...  more
  • Jeff Henderson
    Great Families grow Great men.The Geocaris Family has done that.Johns legacy will speak for itself. LEGEND
  • Steve Haverl
    Steve Haverl
    I met John via our mutual love of pickleball and played with him and Monica, becoming friends quickly. He was taken from all of us far too soon and I will remember his smile all my days. My sincere condolences to Monica, his family and all...  more
  • Peter Hauser
    John was a great guy we all loved and looked up to. I’ll never forget one winter as a kid sledding on the hill going down to Lloyd Beach. We all stopped and watched in amazement as a boat swung by with a skier who let go and skied right up onto the...  more
  • LB Jones
    I feel like I was just getting to know John. We would meet by chance while walking in our neighborhood; sometimes partner up during a Pickleball game; laugh at BBQ pork stories- (inside joke). We shared the same decades growing up, so one-upping each...  more
  • Christi Jones
    We were lucky when John and Monica moved onto our street in Denver a little over 2 years ago. The times we spent together were filled with tasty food, interesting stories, laughter...
    John was easy to get to know and a good listener. He will not be...  more
  • Geri Guidote
    Was fortunate to have been one of John’s many mentees. John was always so accommodating and full of wisdom. Always kind and generous with a big heart. Will sorely miss him. My condolences to the whole Geocaris Family
  • Jim Beall
    My thoughts of JTG are wide and varied. All of them remind me of how much fun we had. Softball, beach volleyball, golf were things we shared and enjoyed. I looked up to John as a very wise and gentile man with a huge love of the life he lived. God bless JTG.
  • Kathy O'Shaughnessy
    John was such a kind, gentle and brilliant man. He always had such a genuine interest in my life, my job and my children. I truly treasured that. I will dearly miss his kindness, his humor and his unwavering ability to educate and guide me. I will...  more
  • Dan Geocaris
    Thank you for being the most positive constant in my life from cradle until now. You made the world a better and more interesting place.
    All of the learnings and wisdom John passed on to the vast number of younger people in his life is a unique and...  more
  • David Howlett
    One old boy missing another.
  • Verinder Syal
    John and I were friends for 20 years or more. First in Chicago and then when we both moved to Colorado about the same time. He was a soft spoken, very thoughtful man. But he did not have a need to push his ideas; he was more interested in learning and...  more
  • Nancy Gerrie
    John was brilliant, incisive, thoughtful, hilarious, self-deprecating, successful, loving, and a great friend and respected mentor to many. What a wonderful person he was, and what a well-lived life. He will be greatly missed.
  • Connie Geocaris
    John, You became the rock of our family and a great advisor and so funny. Childhood, teens, and our 20’s were so much fun. I was looking forward to many more years of being, as you said, an old fart. You would have been a great one. I already miss you too much.
  • Michael Geocaris
    Thanks for being there for our big day last year, Dad. You showed me what it's like to love a woman with every ounce of your being.
  • Madeline Geocaris
    John, I'm one of the many people who feel like you just got me. You saw things in me I wasn't aware of. I feel so lucky for our conversations, for your wisdom, and our good times together. Good thing I learned to eat when I'm full so I could join the...  more
  • Monica Geocaris
    Love you forever.
  • James Sutton
    John, you will be so sorely missed. I’m so grateful to have joined your family and wish we had more time together. I’ll always cherish our fun and memorable times. We’ll continue to live our lives as a family to the fullest in your honor. Love you
  • James Sutton
  • Alexis Sutton
    There are too many memories to recount, but I always loved this photo of dad, no doubt imparting his wisdom on my wedding day.
    • James Sutton and Megan Freeman reacted on this.
    • Alexis Sutton
      James Sutton heartbreaking
      • March 30, 2022
    • Alexis Sutton
      Megan Freeman Love you!
      • April 18, 2022
    • Alexis Sutton
      Arthur Bowman I met Geo in the atrium of Denver University college of law. I encountered in him an engaging mind with a voracious appetite. I mean that literally and metaphorically. His appetite was much larger than the large body that he lived in. A mind like his...  more
      • April 21, 2022