A wondrous light has been taken from our world.
Kathryn Anne Nordman Pinkney passed on October 31st, 2020.
Kathryn Anne Nordman was born to Oscar and Grace Nordman July 23rd 1954 in Whittier California, the second of three sisters. A girl lovingly nurtured. Her art, dreams, and ambitions encouraged by a family that embraced her talent and intellect.
She received her Bachelor of Science for Graphic Arts from the University of California San Jose. Becoming the Art Director for West Coast Cycle (Nishiki Bicycles). In 1991 Kathryn was offered the Graphic Art Director position for Raleigh America in Kent Washington. Her career in the Bicycling Industry set the gold standard for the design of bicycles and collateral materials globally. Her body of work and portfolio continue to echo.
Kathryn relocated to Kent Washington in 1991. Moving her small family to the Pacific Northwest she discovered a magical place of extraordinary beauty that captured her soul and imagination.
In 1983 she married Tom Pinkney. Together they had two children. Chase Nordman Pinkney in 1988 and Tess Ogata Pinkney in 1990. The passion and dedication she brought to all things in her life was focused upon them. Through her they thrived and grew into strong, independent, caring, intelligent human beings. Through them, her passion and love lives on.
Her talent, style, work and fierce intellect brought her art to millions. Her smile, her voice, her love touched the hearts of all her friends and family.
She is survived by her children, Chase Nordman Pinkney and Tess Ogata Pinkney; Her husband, Thomas Pinkney; Her sisters, Karen Cucurullo and Melanie Sharp; Her Nieces and Nephew; Laura Sharp, Anna Cucurullo, and David Cucurullo.
We love her. We miss her. We will always remember.