Kirk DeFouw Vander Maat was born March 14, 1971 at the Mescalero Apache Reservation. He was put in a foster home for seven weeks because he was 4#5oz and they wanted to make sure he would thrive before placing him for adoption. At seven weeks he weighed 7 pounds so he was available to adopt. Paul and Margaret Vander Maat were called on Mother's Day week end to come to Alamagordo, NM to get their baby boy. Tatia was 2 years old and called Kirk her "sister/brother." Kirk did thrive and became a pudgy, happy baby. Kirk was joined by a baby brother, Kevin, at the end of that year. Kirk grew up in Los Alamos, NM with his family.
Kirk grew to have many interests and talents. As a child he enjoyed soccer, soft ball, swimming, reading. In his teens he excelled in piano and Bible quizzing. His many friends were attracted to his calm, peaceful, accepting qualities. Kirk accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior at age 18 at a church camp. Kirk attended Bob Jones University for two years. He also played keyboard for the "Continental Singers" touring the US for a year.
Kirk worked in various restaurants and eventually trained as a chef where he worked at clubs, casinos and lodges. He enjoyed creating a number of original dishes which he would post on Facebook.
Kirk married Shelley Easton in September, 2000. They had 3 beautiful children: Jake Tyler, born August 17, 2004; twins Paige Alexandra and Christopher Jordan, born February 5, 2006.
In recent years, Kirk has suffered with diabetes, heart and kidney issues and has lost most of his toes in several surgeries. He could have been on assistance with his disabilities but he always chose to work.
His generous and kind spirit will be missed by everyone who knew him. The family thanks all who share their memories and pictures. That gift will be a comfort to his loved ones.
Donations may be sent to:
The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Program
400 John St.
Albuquerque, NM 87102
SWRC is a Christian ministry to proclaim the gospel to all people: