The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Lonnie Morrison Wheeler
Raised $1,450
  Contributors (15)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Lonnie Morrison Wheeler
Memorial Created By
Emily Oubre

Lonnie Morrison Wheeler

March 27, 1952 - June 09, 2020

We created this memorial to celebrate the life of our dad, husband, friend Lonnie Morrison Wheeler. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort and joy. As we plan virtual gatherings, we will post invites. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

  Thank you all for a beautiful memorial service.     Please continue to share your thoughts and memories here. We love reading them.   And reach out! Your emails mean a lot to us.    Martie - Abby - Emily -  __________________________________   Many have said that Dad was one of the best men they knew. He was admired for his wit, joy, and grace that...  see more
7,525 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • James Hertlein
    It would take quite a while to write down my Lonnie remembrances. We were close friends as boys and I could easily say he was a best friend. From the age of three through middle school we hung out together. Going to different high schools and colleges,...  more
  • Bob Harbaum
    Just arrived!
  • Mark  Neikirk
    I have enjoyed reading these comments and seeing the photos of wonderful Lonnie, who covered our sports stars but was a star in our newsroom, whose columns were must reading. Thank you, Wheeler family, for sharing Lonnie with our newsroom and our city. I...  more
    • abby wheeler reacted on this.
    • Mark  Neikirk
      abby wheeler Thank you, Mark. I remember taking that photo, and Dad wondering, "Why are we doing this?" And also that he couldn't hold his arm up in that pose for long.
      • June 19, 2020
    • Mark  Neikirk
      Martie Wheeler Hi Mark, thank you for your comments. Lonnie only had good things to say about you too
      • June 20, 2020
  • Polly Cheney
    Dear Wheelers -we loved you memorial and hearing from you and from Lonnie’s many fans and friends. John and Polly
  • Debbie Brater
    Martie is my cousin, and our family got to know Lonnie in the 80s when Martie and Lonnie became a couple.
    Yes, Lonnie was all about family and it showed when he easily blended in so well with our close extended family.
    And that family has had many, many...  more
    • abby wheeler reacted on this.
    • Debbie Brater
      Martie Wheeler Thanks Deb. Lonnie did love our family, and he enjoyed all the discussions. Thanks for welcoming him into the clan.
      • June 20, 2020
  • James Orlet
    I want to offer my deepest sympathies to a wonderful family. I am so sorry for your loss. I never got to meet Lonnie but felt grateful to him often. From everything that I have heard of Lonnie and from the results of his deep love for his family and love...  more
  • Howard Wey
    First, our sympathy and sorry for Lonnie's passing. We had the pleasure of knowing Lonnie when we lived in New Richmond in the 1990’s, and, no surprise, through the many sports our children participated in. The wonderful community we experienced in New...  more
  • Stacey Welch
    May days of my childhood were spent with Lonnie as he coached our softballteam. He found something good in each child and built us up, teaching us the love of the game. Through him we learned kindness, sportsmanship, dignity, and teamwork. All the while...  more
    • abby wheeler reacted on this.
    • Stacey Welch
      abby wheeler Thank you, Stacey. This is very kind of you.
      • June 16, 2020
    • Stacey Welch
      Martie Wheeler Thank you Stacey. He had such fond memories of the softball days. And of all of you!
      • June 20, 2020
  • abby wheeler
    60 miles northwest of the small town of Peoria, Illinois, is an even smaller town called Annawan. It’s the sort of place where most of the roads are State Routes and much of the traffic are tractors. In 2001 the graduating class had 12 people, and my...  more
  • abby wheeler
    abby wheeler added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Lonnie Morrison Wheeler:
    • abby wheeler
      abby wheeler the drive-in! favorite Clermont County pastime; Mom & Dad looking out over the Smokies; in the sunroom at my aunt & uncle's house (Davie & Cathie); looking over the menu; family photo on the porch at home in New Richmond
      • June 14, 2020
  • abby wheeler
    abby wheeler added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Lonnie Morrison Wheeler:
    • Laura Crawford reacted on this.
    • abby wheeler
      abby wheeler Mom & Dad at Oriental Wok for Dad's birthday; Fourth of July at Art's farm; Clark & Dad at Frisch's in New Richmond; breakfast with the NR crew at Joe's Cafe
      • June 14, 2020
  • abby wheeler
    I love this picture of Dad holding a weird Christmas ornament of a mouse wearing a tuxedo that for some reason he purchased and gave my mom as a gift. He saw it, thought of her, and thought she would like it?
  • Frank Carini
    I only had the privilege of working with Lonnie for five years, but in that short amount of time, he made me a better journalist and, I hope, a better person. The way he wrote about people and the way he treated people can both be defined by one word:...  more
  • Kevin Goheen
    What a wonderful memorial service for Lonnie. As people continued to speak, I was reminded of one specific time he helped me with a story. I was assigned to do a sidebar at a Reds game. The story was about Mark Mulder, then pitching for Oakland. Mulder...  more
    • abby wheeler reacted on this.
    • Kevin Goheen
      abby wheeler Thank you, Kevin.
      • June 14, 2020
    • Kevin Goheen
      Martie Wheeler Thank you Kevin. I know he was happy to be able to help. Thanks too, for your kind words at the memorial.
      • June 20, 2020
  • Sheri  Callaghan
    Lonnie was a Wonderful Guy! I met him around 1980 when he moved to Cincinnati to be a writer for the Enquirer, not as a sports writer but as a writer about people; I looked forward to his articles every week. A group from Church, Martie, Connie,...  more
  • Tom Dean
    I heard about the Wheelers from my brother-in-law Dan Boggess, when they lived next door on Grays Lane.
    I met Lonnie and Martie when Emily started playing baseball on the Dirt Devils with my son Mike. It also seemed like Emily was the best hitter on...  more
    • abby wheeler reacted on this.
    • Tom Dean
      abby wheeler Thanks so much, Tom. I'm so glad you kept up your lunches and friendship.
      • June 13, 2020
    • Tom Dean
      Martie Wheeler Thanks Tom. He had fond memories of our days in New Richmond, and he enjoyed those lunches. When you are self employed and working from home, social events mean so much more. Especially for a people-lover like Lonnie. I'm so glad you all were willing...  more
      • June 20, 2020
  • Jon Lewis
    created by my daughter, Aya - capturing his sense of imagination, I'd say - much like her own
  • Martie Wheeler
    Martie Wheeler added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Lonnie Morrison Wheeler:
  • Martie Wheeler
    From John Baskin:

    I’ve known Lonnie Wheeler for so long I can’t remember exactly when we met. It seems forever that we’ve been exchanging advice, support, and recommendations of various dark Scandinavian television series involving morose...  more
    • Emily Oubre and abby wheeler reacted on this.
    • Martie Wheeler
      Martie Wheeler Thank you John. He valued your friendship, and he loved the way you kept him on his literary toes! And he was so appreciative of your help with Cool Papa.
      • June 20, 2020
  • Martie Wheeler
    Martie Wheeler added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Lonnie Morrison Wheeler:
  • Peter King
    In 1980, I landed at the Enquirer as a college/tv-radio/backup Reds guy. Moved to Mount Washington. Got married to Ann that summer. I hadn’t know Lonnie much, but soon Lonnie and Martie became our best friends. What friends they were, loyal and fun....  more
  • Tim Sullivan
    Lonnie was my best man and one of the best men anyone could hope to meet.
    I met him as a freshman at Missouri and he has been a mentor, a role model, a dear friend and a terrific and prolific writer for nearly half a century.
    Forty years ago, the year...  more
    • Tim Sullivan
      abby wheeler Thank you, Tim.
      • June 12, 2020
    • Tim Sullivan
      John Stamm Wonderful tribute, Tim.
      • June 12, 2020
    • Tim Sullivan
      John Stamm About Lonnie’s artful story on the Missouri-SMU game in Dallas and John Moseley: I was fortunate to cover that game with him. Of course, he did the game story. I never forgot his first reference to Moseley; it might have been in the lead: “John...  more
    • Tim Sullivan
      Martie Wheeler Thank you Tim. I guess when so many of your friends are fellow writers, you should expect to have eloquent memories posted on your behalf. But I think Lonnie would be truly surprised, and I know he would want to return the favor. I'm glad I got to...  more
      • June 20, 2020
  • Jamison Stoltz
    Lonnie only came into my life late last year, when his literary agent--with whom he'd worked for decades--sent me a draft of his biography of the legendary James "Cool Papa" Bell. I loved it and was happy to take it on, but the real treat was...  more
    • abby wheeler and Emily Oubre reacted on this.
    • Jamison Stoltz
      abby wheeler Thank you, Jamison.
      • June 12, 2020
    • Jamison Stoltz
      Martie Wheeler Thank you Jamison. We were both so grateful for your interest in the Cool Papa project, and your willingness to take it on. It is a book that was especially close to his heart. I don't remember ever seeing any book come together so smoothly as this...  more
      • June 20, 2020
  • abby wheeler
    abby wheeler added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Lonnie Morrison Wheeler:
    • abby wheeler
      abby wheeler Dad with Emily & Jared's dog, Cora, at their home in Colorado; Mom & Dad at our annual Christmas brunch at the Palm Court; Halloween on the block in Silverton; Dad gets a shirt; outside the Aronoff after seeing Rent with Emily, cousin Sheri & Jon, my partner
      • June 12, 2020
  • abby wheeler
    abby wheeler added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Lonnie Morrison Wheeler:
  • Mike Bass
    I heard the news that Lonnie Wheeler died Tuesday, and I was shaken.

    I had the honor of working with Lonnie, and the blessing of getting to know him, at the old Cincinnati Post. He already was a world-class talent, a former Cincinnati Enquirer sports...  more
    • abby wheeler and Emily Oubre reacted on this.
    • Mike Bass
      abby wheeler Thank you, Mike.
    • Mike Bass
      Martie Wheeler Thanks Mike. I think Lonnie was happy to get back involved with the newspaper after freelancing for several years. It seems like the camaraderie mixed with the effort to produce something day after day gets in your blood, and it felt good to return to...  more
  • Barbara Paynter
    I am so, so sorry to hear this sad news. We became friends when we worked together at the Anderson Independent, our first jobs out of college, and later continued the friendship when we all moved to Jackson, where my husband Bob worked for the...  more
    • abby wheeler, Emily Oubre, and Martie Wheeler reacted on this.
    • Barbara Paynter
      abby wheeler Thank you, Barbara.
      • June 12, 2020
    • Barbara Paynter
      John Stamm Hi, Barb: Yeah, you got it. Lonnie was visiting me and there for an interview.
    • Barbara Paynter
      Martie Wheeler Thanks Barb, and thanks for the photo! I did not realize that you worked at 3 papers together
      • June 20, 2020
    • Barbara Paynter
      Barbara Paynter Actually, Martie, I only worked with Lonnie at the Anderson Independent. I paused my career when I started having kids, so it was my husband Bob who worked at the Clarion-Ledger and the Cincinnati Post. And since we were always on the news side, not...  more
      • June 21, 2020
  • Bob Wagner
    Lonnie Wheeler was the Godfather of the Missouri Mafia. With his dedication to his craft he gave us all a challenge we could not refuse: be good. Then be better.
  • John  Stamm
    So many emotions, so many memories and, as the song goes, memories bring memories …

    Gosh darn it (you didn’t cuss around Lonnie), this is tough. What should I say about this simple man, my best friend and best man, who others have said was “my...  more
  • Trent Rosecrans
    I can't think of a worse way to memorialize Lonnie -- a man who was so careful, so exact with his words than to share a Twitter thread, but, well, it allows me to get my "tit's important" joke in, and only becasue I screwed something up (sorry...  more
    • abby wheeler, John Stamm, and Emily Oubre reacted on this.
    • Trent Rosecrans
      abby wheeler Thank you, Trent.
    • Trent Rosecrans
      Martie Wheeler Trent, Lonnie admired your work and quoted you often. Since I don't subscribe to the Athletic, he would send me pasted-in excerpts of articles he wanted me to see. I'm glad you two were friends, and I know he was too. Thank you for the kind words. And...  more
      • June 20, 2020
  • Joel Bierig
    So sorry to hear! My heart aches for his beautiful family, which he valued far and beyond his literary success. "Great writer and even better person." Perhaps not the most original statement, as so many others have said the same of Lonnie, but...  more
  • Mark Purdy
    I knew Lonnie was not doing well. But when I heard the news Wednesday, it still ripped apart a hole in that part of anyone's heart that remembers someone fondly from a special time in a person's life.

    Lonnie was my age. We were on the Cincinnati...  more
    • abby wheeler, John Stamm, and Emily Oubre reacted on this.
    • Mark Purdy
      abby wheeler Thank you, Mark.
    • Mark Purdy
      Martie Wheeler Thanks Mark. Those early days at the Enquirer were surely a special time, and I know Lonnie remembered them fondly. A memory of mine is when you and Barb brought Sarah (right?) over when Abby was born. After you left, Lonnie and I looked at each other...  more
      • June 20, 2020
  • Monica Fogg
    So very sorry to hear this. I met Lonnie when I moved to the St. Louis area in January of our second grade year. I had a little crush on him at eight years of age because he was so smart and so principled... even then. I was thrilled when I beat him in a...  more
  • abby wheeler
    Dad working in his office with the dog, at home in New Richmond.
  • Rick Wetzel
    My name is Rick Wetzel and I grew up with Lonnie in St. Louis. We played against each other in Khoury League Baseball. We haven't seen each other for years but kept up on Facebook. I always told Lonnie what a good pitcher he was and he was always very...  more
  • Laura Crawford
    Three beautiful souls who are together once again. There are no words. Uncle Lonnie was such a sweet and caring soul. I will forever remember our trips to visit all of you with Mom when we were kids. I always loved the relationship that the two of them...  more
  • Betsy Hughes
    Thank you so much for putting this beautiful page together. Not everyone gets to encounter such an amazing soul as Lonnie in their lifetime, and I feel lucky for all the memories I have and time I was able to spend with him. I can’t help but think of...  more
  • Emily Oubre
    Emily Oubre added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Lonnie Morrison Wheeler: