Memorial Created By
Jeanie Foster

Majdin H. Taba, Ph.D.

Join us in celebrating the life of Majdin H. Taba, Ph.D. Contribute to this lasting memorial by sharing stories, memories, photos, and videos. Please feel free to share this online memorial with family, friends, co-workers, and California Miramar University students and alumni.

(Obituary not yet available)Poem Dedication for Majdin - From his Friends with All Our Love:Death is nothing at all.I have only slipped away to the next room.I am I and you are you.Whatever we were to each other,That, we still are.Call me by my old familiar name.Speak to me in the easy waywhich you always used.Put no difference in your tone.Wear no forced air of solemnity nor sorrow.Laugh as we always laughedat the little jokes we...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Stan Foster
    I still do not want to believe this vibrant soul is no longer among us. That is why it has taken me so long to post anything. As if by not posting, I could somehow make it not be true. He was such an incredible man and he left a profound impact on...  more
  • cyprian ukah
    The falcon flew away, full of vision and understanding, a man of peace, may the gentle soul of Dr. Taba rest in perfect peace of the Lord God Almighty. May the Lord God grant the University community and the Taba family the fortitude to bear to his passing on.
  • Barry  Wrenn
    I was absolutely shocked to here of Majdin's passing. He and I were colleagues at Argosy University for seven years and shared many professional and more personal moments sipping fine scotch. As faculty members we often sought and shared each other's...  more
  • Jide Williams
    This is so sad! I am a former student of cmu and I met Dr. Taba once! He was such a respectful man. May his soul Rest In Peace! This is a great loss!
  • Oluwakemi Tomori Edet-Utan
    My condolence goes out to all the CMU family and his family members regarding this unique loss. Dr Taba carries this same smile even when scolding us in the classroom!! He was a great mentor. 😞
  • Dr. S. Rezvani
    Flight of your soul

    Hearts heavy with utter sadness having to celebrate the life and the flight of the soul of our beloved and revered Dr. Taba. His soul is ascending the Kingdom on high in happiness free from the cage of the body. Enduring his absence...  more
  • Kola Balogun
    Dr. Taba was pleasant; he wore that genuine smile almost always.
  • Yvan N-z
    Gone too soon. Dr Taba was an outstanding and caring Educator/Leader/Mentor. Rest in Peace Dr Taba
  • Christie McKee
    My last personal conversation with Dr. Taba was about the many places he had visited, lived and seen in his lifetime! Truly an amazing human being and I will miss his stories and his welcoming smile. As a leader for our organization, he created other...  more
  • Ibrahim Bello
    A very supportive and dedicated President. "I will take you to the ocean, lead you to swim deep into the ocean, then i will turn back,leaving you to find your way out". Dr Taba
  • Eniolade Michael
    Dr Taba has been very supportive and proficient, This is very painful, I pray God give the family the fortitude to bear the loss.
  • Marlith Austin
    Dr. Taba was a great person to work for and was one of the best professors I had the privilege to learn from at CMU. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to his family. He will be greatly missed and may he forever rest in peace!
  • Adeleye Alade
    Hmmm. Very sad news. The ever- smiling and caring Dr. Taba. Always ready to help and had kind words to say to you. His usually phrase was, "Have you been helped?" with a wide smile.
    May your 'gentle' (you were really gentle) soul rest in peace. 😒
  • gerald porter
    I remember Dr. Taba's sense of humor. He was a scholar with a vast amount of knowledge. Dr. Taba was not overbearing when it came to understanding why some students understand faster than others. He will be missed.
  • Neveen Yasser
    27. (It will be said to the pious): "O (you) the one in (complete) rest and satisfaction!

    28. "Come back to your Lord, Well-pleased (yourself) and well-pleasing unto Him!

    29. "Enter you, then, among My honoured slaves,

    30. "And enter you My...  more
  • Neveen Yasser
    Neveen Yasser added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Majdin H. Taba, Ph.D.:
  • Ghaith  Alatoom
    I was planning to come and visit you tomorrow before my class as I always do. Thanks for all the support and guidance. It's a big loss for me and all the students in CMU.
  • Robert Morales
    I remember when I did my first "trial lecture" in front of Dr. Taba and others when I was hoping to become one of the faculty at CALMU. I was very nervous. However, Dr. Taba was such a wonderful (and funny!!) presence I managed to calm down and...  more
  • Jack McCready
    The pain of loss is strong today. But it is not as strong as the memories of the laughter and the stories we shared. And each day these are the memories that will grow and be with me forever. It was indeed my pleasure, my honor, and my joy to have you...  more
  • Ali Radwan
    I am so honored to have met such great person like professor.Taba,he was full of energy,supportive and full of kindness. Will never forget our last meeting in his office and how he was motivating me and listening to my ideas and also how he always helped...  more
  • Delfin Merlan, Ed.D.
    Truly Blessed to know a kind-heart soul. It was an honor to know such a good man. God Bless you and your family!
  • Winnie Davis
    Shock and cannot believe that will be the last goodbye we said. Dr. Taba, thank you for your leadership and dedication in higher education and our students. You will be missed.
  • Howen Fernando
    I am fortunate fo have known Dr. Taba. His sincere, encouraging, and welcoming personality was very endearing to me as a first time professor at CMU. E-hugs to all.
  • Kathie Kautz
    I am so honored to have met this man who was so full of wisdom. He was of great character, very approachable, and a kind soul. He made me laugh a lot, that was just who he was, a great man with a great sense of humor, and he will be missed. I am at a...  more
  • Andi OBriant
    I feel so lucky to have gotten a chance to work with and know Dr. Taba, he is truly one of the most kind, joyful people I have ever known. He represents the very best a person could be with his kindness, his generosity, and his lifetime of intellect and...  more
  • Jeanie Foster
    My dear friend; working without you, my great supporter, will be immensely difficult. Your kind and caring spirit will remain with me always. Gone too soon, with love and admiration - Jeanie Foster