The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Michael Suvak


Memorial Fund (Scholarship, Dedication, etc.).

We are setting up a memorial fund for Michael's daughters' college education. Michael's love for his daughters has always been boundless, and we know he would want for them to be able to pursue their educational dreams without limitation.

$21,656 Raised of $20,000   Contributors (182)
You can also select a charitable cause that is personally meaningful to you or one that was important to Michael Suvak
Memorial Created By
Suffolk Psychology

Michael Suvak

December 08, 1974 - June 04, 2020

We greatly miss Michael, our dear friend, colleague, mentor, teacher, and scientist. This memorial page is to honor Michael's memory and the impact he has had on so many of our lives. Please feel free to share pictures, videos, stories, thoughts, or anything else to help us remember.

Michael Kirk Suvak, Jr, passed away on Thursday, June 4, 2020. Michael was a cherished, loving, and devoted father, husband, son, sibling and uncle to Suvaks and Marinaccios, coworker, and creation. Michael was loved by everyone who encountered him. He was always kind, always sincere and always earnest. He was the kind of man that would give anything and everything he had to help someone else. Michael was born in Pittsburgh, PA on...  see more
21,343 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • L J
    L J:
    My condolences for the loss of your loved one. The hurt and pain of losing a loved one is difficult. Please know that God is near to those that are broken-hearted and who are crushed in spirit.(Psalm 34:18)
    God will wipe away all tears from their eyes...  more
  • Kelly Egan (Wilsman)
    I am beyond saddened to hear about Michael. I grew up with the Suvak's. It's probably been 30 years since I've seen any of them, as we've all grown up, moved and spread out... me included.

    I spent many many hours, days, years, holidays, meals and fun...  more
  • Kay Schwader
    Michael was one of the kindest and friendliest people I have had the joy to know. I will always feel gratitude for how welcoming he was. Michael provided an excellent model of the kind of human I would like to be. His unassuming and jovial nature put me...  more
  • Daniel Glass
    Michael was a brilliant quantitative psychologist who helped me with a couple papers in a way that I can only describe as wizardry. We also used to talk parenting, and his advice has helped keep me sane for years. My favorite thing he said about...  more
  • Sara Danitz-Steinhardt
    I had the good fortune of getting to learn from and work with Michael over the past 9 years. My first year in graduate school at Suffolk in 2011 coincided with Michael’s first year on faculty in the department, and so my cohort (who we lovingly refer...  more
    • Erin Decker reacted on this.
    • Sara Danitz-Steinhardt
      Erin Decker Hi Sara, thank you for your kind words. I was wondering if you could share Michael’s service with his friends at the VA. Just realizing now that you all may not have been informed. Thank you, Erin(Michael’s sister)
      • July 21, 2020
  • Jaime Suvak
    On behalf of me, Austen and Amelia I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who took the time to send us thoughts, wishes, gifts and love. Suffolk was much more than a place of work for Michael. He loved the students, faculty and staff. He...  more
  • Laura Austin
    I met Michael three years ago at orientation, standing in line for bagels. He introduced himself, welcoming me to the program and inquiring after my move to Boston. I quickly learned that Michael was not just kind and genuine, but also sarcastic and...  more
  • Katherine Cunningham
    Last week, I was talking with a friend about Michael, and she said, “He sounds like an amazing person!” I think that is the simplest and most thorough way to describe who he was. I knew Michael from the NCPTSD Boston, way back when I was a research...  more
  • Jeffrey Gold
    Dear Michael,

    You were a very bright shooting star that has dimmed far too early. I couldn't believe it when I heard from my dear friend Mark, that you were gone. I remember so many wonderful things about you since we first met in 1998 at the Boston VA,...  more
  • Lance Swenson
    I feel so honored to have known Michael. He was such an amazingly unique, kind, and gifted individual. For the past few years he was my office neighbor. I loved seeing him nearly every day, and having absolutely no idea what was about to come out of his...  more
  • Rachel Liebman
    I first met Michael on my postdoc. He was just come aboard as the stats consultant and research advisor. Since then, I've worked with him through different labs and colleagues and am continually impressed by the extent of his reach. He's a bit of a Kevin...  more
  • Peter Bachrach
    Our hearts are with you, Michael.

    Peace and Love,

    Peter Bachrach and Patricia Flores
  • Amy Marks
    I met Michael in the fall of 2011, on his first day as a professor at Suffolk. I was a professor too, but had been on maternity leave with my second daughter when he was hired, so I hadn’t met him before the fall. When I walked into the front office (I...  more
  • Vanessa Alvarez
    Michael started working as a faculty member at Suffolk in 2011, the same year I started the PhD program. We (both students and faculty) affectionately called him “new guy,” a title that stuck for years. He started with a notable entrance, showing up...  more
  • Alexandra Dick
    I first met Michael in February, 2011 when I began working as a research assistant at the National Center for PTSD and was placed in an office with him. As was his way, he immediately befriended me, and began joking with me. He loved sharing sayings he...  more
  • Rebecca Browne
    Michael was the type of person who wanted to build a connection with everyone he interacted with. From our very first statistics class, he was immediately warm and friendly. Instead of diving into all the content we would be covering that semester, he...  more
  • Sarah Wieman
    Upon meeting Michael in that very first Friday morning stats class, two things struck me. First, his passion for research and scientific discovery was infectious and inspiring. Second, he cared so deeply and genuinely about helping us adjust to the...  more
  • Shireen Rizvi
    I was so sad to hear of Michael's death. We overlapped at the Boston VA when I was an intern/postdoc and he was a graduate student (2003-2006). Michael always seemed so mature and smart beyond his years. Even though he was "junior" to me in the...  more
  • A couple more photos from the staged photo shoot, with a link to the article (looks like the pictures aren't loading on the website anymore -
  • I reached out to the Suffolk photographer and he shared these photos with me from an old write up about our research lab. Cue awkwardly staged and posed photoshoot:
  • Karen  Sullivan
    He was so respected and so loved. He will live on in all of us, in every good deed we do.
  • Eva Woodward
    Although I knew Michael From Suffolk, the kindest favor he did for me was after I moved to Little Rock, Arkansas. He was a relatively new faculty member at Suffolk as I was finishing my PhD, so I didn’t have him as a teacher or mentor, but I...  more
  • Kristi Salters-Pedneault
    There really are no words to describe Michael's impact on those who had the good fortune to know him. Michael and I met at the Boston VA in 2005. Our first real interaction involved a conflict. I had just joined our shared lab, and I managed to almost...  more
  • Isis Garcia-Rodriguez
    I remember telling my family that if I could get the job as a work study in the psychology department, then I knew I would make great networks to help me in my time throughout undergrad. Michael was the second psychology faculty member I met at Suffolk....  more
  • Liz Pratt
    Michael was one of those rare humans who radiated kindness and compassion. I didn't know him well but after having met him during my postdoctoral fellowship at the NCPTSD/Boston VA and continuing to cross paths with him while I was a faculty member at...  more
  • Jose Arauz
    I was shocked and deeply saddened to learn of Michael's passing. I first met him during the day of orientation and was immediately struck by his humor and warm personality.
    As time passed, I came to appreciate his intelligence and supportive nature....  more
  • Ashley Elizabeth
    "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." -William James

    I can so clearly recall the first time I met Michael. I was speaking on a small panel in Jaime's class at Curry College about graduate school as a MA degree student who was actively...  more
  • Kate Humphreys
    I had the pleasure of encountering Michael in Boston in 2006-2008, when he was a graduate student and I aspired to join those ranks in the near future. I very much looked up to him -- his kindness, his generosity with his time, his sense of humor, and...  more
  • Kayla Lord
    I first met Michael on interview weekend. He asked me questions about what I wanted to accomplish by going to graduate school, not why I should be accepted. He really listened as I talked about my ideas and was thrilled when I struck up a conversation...  more
  • Regina Musicaro
    Even before she was born, he called her Michael Jr. Jr. He always tried to teach her curse words.
  • Jessica Valente
    I first met Michael when he started in the Psychology Department at Suffolk somewhere around 2011. It was easy to see upon first meeting him that he was going to be a wonderful addition to the department. He was quickly given the nickname "New...  more
  • Sarah Schwartz
    I can’t even begin to relate Michael’s many kindnesses towards me. It began when I first was offered a job at Suffolk, and despite not knowing me at all, he spent hours on the phone guiding me through the process of negotiating a faculty position. I...  more
  • Regina Musicaro
    Regina Musicaro added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Michael Suvak:
  • Gary Fireman
    Michael was a bright light whose energy, insight and wit made everything better when he was in the office. Never shy to offer help or an opinion he generated an enthusiasm that was irresistible. If I were tired or frustrated or needed help thinking...  more
  • Vera Vine
    I met Michael at the VA in 2005 or so, and worked with him for almost 3 years, as an RA in the lab where he was a graduate student. In the years after that, Michael in his infinite kindness, reached out to give me extra support during a few difficult...  more
  • Julie  Klunk Gillis
    I met Michael about 15 years ago when I was an intern at the VA. I loved his intelligence and wit and willingness to have ridiculous conversations to make people laugh. I am so saddened to know that Michael is no longer with us. I send love and healing...  more
  • Emily Nayyer
    It's tough to know what to say in situations like these because it still feels as though someone is pulling my leg. Michael was the type of person who was the perfect addition to the psychology department. He was strict yet understanding, compassionate,...  more
  • Sue Orsillo
    Nine years ago, when a position in our department came open, I was relentless in advocating for Michael to be hired. Although I did not know him very well personally at that time - we had only briefly crossed paths at NC-PTSD - colleagues I knew and...  more
  • Sarah Burnham
    Michael had the biggest heart when it came to his students. I remember taking Research Methods as an undergraduate at Suffolk in 2015. I sat in the back of the classroom in Donahue of a rather large class, but he made it a point to remember each of our...  more
  • Marit  Murry
    From the moment you met Michael, you knew he cared deeply. He used his humor and wit to make people feel welcome and comfortable. He usually found a way to be the butt of his own jokes, at least when you first started getting to know him, then you likely...  more
  • I am deeply saddened about Michael's passing. I worked in the Psychology Department when he first joined Suffolk and he made me laugh every day. My first true interaction with him was when I interviewed him for the semester newsletter and I immediately...  more
  • Kate Smidt
    After two years into Suffolk’s PhD program, I was about ready to call it quits. Discouraged and with low confidence, I was recommended by other faculty members to meet with Michael- a new addition to the Suffolk faculty at the time. Other than having a...  more
  • Brooke Duarte
    As a current doctoral student at Suffolk University, I have not known Michael for long. However, he played a significant role in my adjustment to grad school and helped me gain the confidence I needed to succeed in training. In my first year, my small...  more
  • McKenna Parnes
    This is my favorite photo of Michael Suvak. Michael was my statistics professor during the first year of my doctoral program. I had listed him as my third choice for a PhD mentor and only knew that he was a strong statistician and did research on...  more
  • Jason Fogler
    If memory serves, Jaime introduced me to Michael around the time he was thinking about applying to BU, and I was maybe a year or two into the program. (I didn't have kids yet, and I was young enough to meet at a bar without too much juggling...) I...  more
  • Maghnus O'Seaghdha
    So sorry to learn of Michael's passing. I'm thinking of his family in this difficult time - Maghnus
  • Dawne Vogt
    I've known Michael since we worked in the same lab with me 20 years ago, and he has been in my life through various collaborations and shared connections since then. The thing I will miss most about Michael is his incredibly sharp wit and his ability to...  more
  • Mikayla Medeiros
    My deepest condolences to the Suvak family. I can’t accurately express how saddened I am to hear of Michael’s passing. He was such a great mentor to me and was there for me during a rough time in my life. His contributions to both the field and in...  more
  • Caitlin (Chiupka) Claggett Woods
    Caitlin (Chiupka) Claggett Woods added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Michael Suvak:
  • Caitlin (Chiupka) Claggett Woods
    Caitlin (Chiupka) Claggett Woods added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Michael Suvak: