Memorial Created By
Philip Besong

Mr. Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA

September 29, 1979 - December 05, 2018

This memorial was created in honor of Therich Ayuk Besong of Holden, Massachusetts. Therich sunrise September 29, 1979 in Mamfe - Cameroon and sunset on December 5, 2018. Therich was loved by many and will be dearly missed and remembered by all for several seasons to come. He leaves behind family and friends...  see more

This memorial was created in honor of Therich Ayuk Besong of Holden, Massachusetts. Therich was born on September 29, 1979 in Mamfe - Cameroon and passed unto glory on December 5, 2018. Therich was loved by many and will be dearly missed and remembered by all for several seasons to come. He leaves behind family and friends deeply aggrieved by his sudden disappearance. They are only comforted by the knowledge that he is in the bossom of...  see more
5,167 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Philip Besong
    Philip Besong added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Mr. Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA:
    Celebrations of life Boston MA
    Celebrations of life Boston MA
    Celebrations of life Boston MA
    Celebrations of life Boston MA
    Celebrations of life Boston MA
  • Philip Besong
    Philip Besong added 26 photo(s) to the memorial Mr. Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA:
  • Philip Besong
    Philip Besong added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Mr. Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA:
  • Beckley Kungah Nfor
    Tribute to a bosom friend and brother, Therich Besong

    It is with deep pain and sadness that I have come to terms with the reality of the passing of my bosom friend and brother, Therich Besong, aka “Alpacino”.
    Our friendship dates back from our...  more
  • Joseph Besong
    Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA
    His last days, life and tribute
    Dr. Joseph N.A Besong, for the family
    It's so hard to believe that he's gone forever. I had not seen...  more
  • Philip Besong
    Philip Besong added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Mr. Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA:
  • Philip Besong
    Philip Besong added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Mr. Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA:
  • Mamua Andela
    The Andela family will keep your family in our prayers as you mourn the loss of this well accomplished gentleman.May warm memories comfort you always. Please accept our condolences. Blessings to you all!The Andela’s of Olathe KS
  • Philip Besong
    Philip Besong changed the profile picture of the channel Mr. Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA:
  • Philip Besong
    Philip Besong changed the profile picture of the channel Mr. Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA:
  • Philip Besong
    Philip Besong added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Mr. Therich Ayuk Besong, CPA:
    • Philip Besong
      Victorious Valerie He achieved so much at his age. My sincere comdolences to you and your entire family Doc. Its so sad to have a young and intellignet young man go just like this. I cannot begin to imagine the myriad of questions raging in your heart right now. It is well...  more