• Celebración de Vida - Rafael

    Aug 17, 2019, 11:00 AM US/Eastern

Memorial Created By
Mariana Fernandez

Rafael D. Fernandez

August 30, 1961 - July 04, 2019

We encourage all to join us in celebrating the life of Rafael. To all of us, he was "Rafael", but to each of us he was something different: a brother, a father, a co-worker, a friend, a mentor, a jokester, a traveller, a football enthusiast, an inspiration, a kind soul. Contribute to this lasting...  see more

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Posts & Photos

  • James Wallace
  • Maria Estela Fernandez
    Enviado por Eduardo Novoa, compañero y amigo de Rafa del MAS.
    Especialmente para Mariana, Rafael y Daniela, pero también para Estela, Alex y Lety, Paty y Arturo, y Bety,
    No pude asistir el 17 de Agosto al Memorial que organizaron para Rafa, pero este...  more
  • Cesar Garcia
    Soy primo de su abuelita María Estela. Hace algunos años volví a establecer contacto con ella y platicábamos de todo un poco. Siempre hablaba con mucho orgullo de todos sus hijos, pero obviamente por la distancia, extrañaba mucho a Rafael. Ella nos...  more
  • Marichu Blanco
    Queridos Mariana, Rafael y Daniela,
    Les mandamos un fuerte abrazo y compartimos con ustedes la pena y el dolor y siempre recordamos a Rafa con mucho cariño.
    Esta presente en nosotros el visje que hicimos a Edirne, los villancicos navideños y muchos...  more
  • Angel Rodriguez
    Que el espiritu de Rafa siga brillando y proteja a toda la familia en el futuro. Ya que el esta un mundo mejor junto a Dios Padre. Tengo la oportunidad de conocer a la Familia Fernandez Ramirez a los cuales queremos muchos desde hace muchos años. ...  more
  • Ingrid Lappe
    Querido Rafael,
    qué bueno que tu hijos nos brindaron la oportunidad de poder expresar lo que sentimos en estos momentos.
    Mañana vamos a reunirnos para recordarte y celebrar el regalo que nos dio la vida de coincidir.
    Te debemos a ti y a Eve en sus...  more
  • Angela Pinto
    Dear Rafael,
    You are a rare example of genuine Leader who demonstrated how a Business Man can also have a Big Heart!
    As General Manager of Lilly Portugal you inspired and motivated so much the whole Organization.
    Your image is going to be always...  more
  • Leonor Leal
    Querido Rafael:
    Nunca olvidare el día que llegaste en Lilly Amoreiras y la manera tan próxima pero también tan profesional como hablaste con todos los empleados en esa ocasión!
    Fuiste el primero director a pedir disculpas, a mi inclusa, por los...  more
  • Boanova Dias
    My Dearest Friend Rafael,
    It was a breath of fresh air for the Lilly Portuguese affiliate employees your arrival in Portugal as you was the youngest Managing Director the Company had to date.

    We were all impressed with your stature and elegance, but...  more
  • Francisco Araujo
    Amizade, admiração, gratidão, reconhecimento, respeito e saudade! "Hasta siempre", Eterno Grande Chefe e Amigo Rafael! Beijos e Abraço de Portugal para Mariana, Daniela e Rafa!
  • Marisa Menchero
    Mariana, Dani y Rafa:
    Las palabras, frases, mensajes, gestos, vivencias, pensamientos y recuerdos perdurarán en sus vidas. No cabe duda que sus padres basados en el amor incondicional, respeto y dedicación hacia ustedes desean que luchen por sus...  more
  • Caroline Abeleda
    More memories ...he left us too soon...but we will cherish the memories we shared with him as a leader, colleague & friend.
  • Caroline Abeleda
    We had the best time in the west area with Rafael! He was all about the team having together.
  • Marcia  Tucci
    Rafael was my Director of Sales Lilly in Anaheim. I was getting closer to retirement
    and he was so respectful to me. He added a trip to Indianapolis for me to say goodbye
    to friends. He was such a caring man.
    Those days were a treasure.
  • Caroline Abeleda
    Throughout all these years, the one thing that is constant was Rafael’s devotion and love of his children! He spoke with such admiration and devotion about each of his children. He loved every aspect of watching them grow into the young talented and...  more
  • Caroline Abeleda
    I had the privilege of knowing Rafael for 25+ years. He was a caring leader who became my lifelong mentor, friend and recent business partner. He taught me so much about corporate life but more importantly, he taught me how to prioritize family as i...  more
  • Maria Alexandra Cardenas
    Esta foto fue la fiesta de despedida de Estambul para sus papas.
  • Maria Alexandra Cardenas
    Queridos Mariana, Rafael y Daniela,
    No se si acuerdan de mi. Yo soy Alexandra Cardenas. Nos conocimos en Estambul. Eramos muy amigos de sus papas.
    Me ha entristecido mucho saber del fallecimiento de Rafael.
    Lo siento muchísimo. Yo se lo difícil y...  more
  • Kevin Hughes
    I remember meeting Mr. Fernandez for the first time at Mariana's college graduation in Philly. It was the first time meeting much of her family and as one may expect, it was very overwhelming. During a long day walking around in the heat to see all the...  more
  • Daniela Fernandez
    In high school, my dad, mom and I went on a trip to Venice for one of my school breaks. When we arrived, we found out that it was carnival. Everyone was dressed up with different masks and costumes so we went around Venice looking for what to wear. As...  more
  • Rafael Fernandez
    Rafael Fernandez added 10 photo(s) to the memorial Rafael D. Fernandez:
  • Rafael Fernandez
    Rafael Fernandez added 8 photo(s) to the memorial Rafael D. Fernandez: