• Memorial Service for Raymond J. Fisher

    Dec 20, 2020, 4:00 PM US/Eastern

The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Raymond John Fisher
Raised $800
  Contributors (5)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Raymond John Fisher
Memorial Created By
Linford Fisher

Raymond John Fisher

This site is devoted to sharing the stories of our beloved sibling, son, husband, and friend, Raymond Fisher, who passed away unexpectedly on December 12, 2020. We cherish your memories and stories of Ray and invite you to leave them here and/or upload a video if you so desire.

Sample remembrance -- feel free to add yours. 
2,014 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Berthold Kusserow
    Dear Juan Carlos,
    dear family of Ray Fisher,
    I am shocked and saddened to hear the terrible news. I used to be the head of the finance department at Linklaters in Germany (now retired). While Ray was based in Frankfurt and became a member of my...  more
  • Emilie Walgenbach
    Ray and I worked together on the PMI policy team at the FRBNY. While we didn't often work directly on projects together, I really appreciated having him as a teammate and a mentor. He was always generous with his time and really listened when discussing...  more
  • Justo J. Sanchez
    “And where is the place of understanding?
    Thus it is hidden from the eyes of all living.” (Job 28: 20-21)

    We battle the silence of absence. Like Jacob, wrestling the angel, we end up limping. Jacob was renamed Israel, etymologized as...  more
  • Jordan Brown
    I worked with Ray at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and I always really enjoyed working with Ray and being around him. He was extremely bright, well spoken, kind, pleasant, intellectually curious, friendly - he just really seemed like an amazing...  more
  • Larry Sweet
    To know Ray was to know kindness, goodness, generosity, and dedication.

    I had the special privilege of working and sitting directly next to Ray at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the past five years. Over those too-short years, Ray and I...  more
  • Andres Coello
    My heart breaks at the thought of Ray no longer among us. I met him in a most unusual way, after receiving a letter of support for my restoration project. In that letter he said he wanted to know who on Earth was as crazy as him as to engage in the...  more
  • Erik Ramanathan
    My husband Ranesh and I had the enormous pleasure of knowing Ray first through Immigration Equality, where I chaired the board when Ray first joined and Ranesh later served during his incredibly dedicated leadership. Getting to know Juan Carlos and...  more
  • Shonu D
    What more could a "good" person wish than to leave the world a legacy of honour, decency and kindness. Touching the lives of all of those who had the good fortune of knowing him.

    The best of us (my capital markets partner at Milbank, and later...  more
  • Marta Camiñas
    Marta Camiñas added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Raymond John Fisher:
  • Irene Mustich
    On behalf of CLS, we write to express our heartfelt condolences for your loss. All of us at CLS were shocked and saddened to hear of Ray's sudden passing, and we would like to convey our deepest sympathies to you and the entire family. Ray was a...  more
  • Nick Eastwell
    Ray was a partner in the capital markets team at Linklaters when I was head of the practice between 2003 and 2008. He spent much of that time as our US lawyer in Frankfurt where his all round legal, language and inter personal skills made him a very...  more
  • Chris Stavrianou
    Chris Stavrianou added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Raymond John Fisher:
  • Kendra Price
    Ray was 15 years older than me – an age difference that made him an intriguing and mysterious figure to 5-year-old me and that seemed to shrink to nearly nothing as I got older and many of our interests and passions started to align.

    Our first real...  more
  • Linford Fisher
    Sample memory -- feel free to add yours.