My Father Robert, has overcome many personal and professional struggles in his life. I think though for you to know my father, you must understand how he inspired others in his darkest moment.
2020 marks a year of change, this has not been a good year for many, and after tragically loosing his younger brother Rick in May, June brought about even worse news. After two months of sudden unexplained illness, in and out of the hospital ER, he was finally diagnosed in August with Single Cell Lung Cancer, stage IV.
When we face our own mortality, the inevitable truth, that we must all die, it is the mark of who we are by how we react. Some act with fear, hate, selfishness or anger. Others act with love, compassion, courage and hope spreading it to others.
So here now is your darkest moment when you look death in the eye. Do you stand and fight or go peacefully into the night? There is no wrong answer to this question it is a personal matter.
I think the most inspirational thing about my father is that he has always said to me "Aubria, I'm a survivor."
So really for him there was no other choice, he would look death in the eye and fight it. However, he would do it with Love, Courage, and Strength. Not only did he comfort us while he struggled with it, he reached out, joined cancer support groups and spent hours consoling others online.
As the Cancer in his lungs began to recede, and it looked as if the world may smile again, he was suddenly taken ill and his time had come. Yet still he smiled at me and we laughed and chatted as if he was only leaving for a moment.....he would be right back.
My Father was and is a survivor. He is survived by Love. That love presents itself in the names of those listed here and many more that I could fill three pages with. Myself, Aubria, my sister Elizabeth, his son-in-law Jeff, as well as Christina which he treated like his own daughter, and her husband, Kevin.
Though apart, he will always love my mother Debra and laugh fondly with her of days gone by when two young people tried to raise kids, dogs, cats, chickens and ducks. His love will endure ever more for his sister Devonda and her husband Leland and their children. As well as the many nieces and nephews of the brothers and sisters that have passed on already and he shall now be reunited with at last.
When the doctor asked him if he was willing to undergo Immunotherapy, his main reason was so that he might have more time with his grandchildren, Rosella, David (Rosellas Husband), Owen, and Serena. I know that they will continue to speak of their Papa Bear long after even I am gone.
So Yes, even though sometimes you did crazy things dad, and then followed it up with "you know your dad Aubria, I'm a survivor." I do know my dad, you do survive in our hearts, and fondly in our memories.