
Charitable Donations in Honor of Robin Muench: 1942-2021
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Memorial Created By
Laurence Padman

Robin Muench: 1942-2021

We created this memorial site to celebrate the life of Robin Muench, our friend and colleague at Earth and Space Research. We encourage his friends and colleagues to add to this site, with words and photos. Click on the heart to let us know that you've visited, and to be informed of updates.

Robin Muench: 1942-2021 Earth and Space Research (ESR) is sad to announce the passing of our friend and colleague Robin Muench, who died suddenly at his home January 25th at the age of 78. Robin co-founded ESR with Gary Lagerloef in 1995. He was passionate about the organization, scientific integrity, and the importance of service to the broader research community, and played a major role in ESR’s growth and management even after his...  see more
3,464 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Carol Pease
    I met Robin about 45 years ago on a hike with other recent graduates from the University of Washington’s Department of Oceanography. In a field with very few women, I made friends, as possible, and a prominant one was Robin. Over decades, normally at...  more
  • Seelye Martin
  • Jonathan Lilly
    Robin was a wise and friendly presence during the five years I spent at Earth and Space Research. He generously took the time to read over several of my early proposals and offer me feedback and advice. If memory serves, it was from a chance encounter...  more
  • Lynn  Schardel
  • Laura de Steur
    I have fond memories of Robin, starting back when we were taking microstructure profiles over the Maud Rise in 2005 in the tent on the ice or on the aft deck of the N.B. Palmer. We spent a lot of time talking about science and life in general and he was...  more
  • John Gunn
    I worked with Robin for over thirty years. He was a mentor and a friend and a dedicated scientist and he always let you know his opinions in and out of science. We traveled together to the ends of the earth (both of them). My condolences to his family,...  more
  • Carolyn Griffin-Bugert
    I first met Robin in 2019 when I became the Executive Director of the Wenatchee River Institute, an environmental learning center, in Leavenworth. Robin made regular drives over the pass to, as he put it "escape the craziness of the city" and...  more
  • Harry Stern
    Robin Muench demonstrating the operation of a mooring at Polar Science Weekend 2007. He was enthusiastic about outreach.
  • Mary  Sloat
    While I didn't have the chance to know Robin well, I'm sure anyone who met him would agree, he made an impression. For me, it was one of kindness and generosity (as well as strongly held opinions, of course). At a company retreat many years ago, we went...  more
  • Rachael Mueller
    I knew Robin from ESR dinners, email exchanges and discussions at INVENT co-working, after I moved up to Bellingham. Robin was a reliable source for spirited conversations, humor, geeking out on polar science and blunt opinions about politics. I...  more
  • Laurence Padman
    Laurence Padman added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Robin Muench: 1942-2021:
  • Laurence Padman
    I worked with Robin for decades, beginning with the CEAREX program in the eastern Arctic Ocean in 1989. He had wide-ranging research interests in physical processes, from basin scales to microscale turbulence. I appreciated his interest in polar oceans...  more