Memorial Created By
Lena Oh

Steve Chung

August 15, 1962 - October 07, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Steve Chung . Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Our treasured husband, father, and brother, Steve Sae Hwan Chung, went to join his Lord and Savior on October 7, 2021 at 7:40am. Steve was born in Seoul, Korea on August 15, 1962, and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton (Bachelor’s) in 1985. After graduating from university, Steve began an illustrious career on Wall Street in investment banking. From New York, he then moved to South...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Kevin Gin
    Dear HyeJung, Nicholas & Alex,

    I’m so sorry to her of the loss of Steve, a loving husband and father. I’m shocked and saddened to hear of his passing especially as it was only less than two months ago I was chatting with him after his discharge. My...  more
  • Kevin Gin
  • Lena Oh
    Hi everyone,

    Below is the link to a photo album of Steve:
  • Eck Meng Goh
    Dear HyeJung, Nicholas & Alex:

    My sincere condolences on the loss of your husband and father. May in Rest In Peace for surely he is now in a better place.

    I met Steve when I first moved to New York City in 1994. We worked together for many years....  more
  • Daniel Lam
    I always called him "Uncle Steve" --- he is a senior figure to me, someone that I look up to and respect. We knew each other from Citigroup during 2004-06, but it was around the times of 2009 to 2012 that I got to know him the most

    It was the...  more
  • Edward Chung
  • Ken Swong
  • Rex Chung
  • Dennis Chan
    I met Steve during the start of my investment banking career in the US, and subsequently we were colleagues at two other firms in Hong Kong.

    I will always remember Steve as my good friend, colleague, mentor, a man of faith, and an avid traveler who...  more
  • Ken Swong
    I am shocked, sad and angry:

    Shocked as Steve was still young and physically in top shape.

    Sad to lose a former colleague and a life-long friend.

    Angry for the destructive path of covid by robbing lives and wrecking families....  more
  • Waimun Kong
    Got jolted when i heard Steve passed on. I have known him for 25 years in NYC and HK. Globe (thats what we called each other, Steve's smiling in heaven when he reads this) thanks for the many good meals and indulging conversations about markets and...  more
  • Hahn Sull
    Sincere condolences to Steve's family. Steve has been a friend for over 25 years and am deeply saddened. After I moved back to the States, Steve gave me great advice as we were in communication until just 2 weeks ago. Rest in peace in Heaven and God bless you.
  • Nancy Lee
    Dear Hyejung, Nick, and Alex:

    Please accept my deepest condolences. I am saddened and shocked to learn of Steve's passing. From the earliest days in NY's Asian finance community to HK and beyond, Steve was always an icon of a peer - full of...  more
  • Rex Chung
    Dear Hyejung, Nick and Alex:

    My deepest condolences. Our whole family is truly saddened by Steve's passing. Our families have crossed paths across NJ, HK, and Seoul. He was full of life, global, kind hearted, and a true family man.

    Rest in peace...  more
  • Kim Bartlett
  • Jason Jo
    He was the best brother and man for me. He taught me how to live as a man. Thank you for all the happy memories. Love you.
  • Rachel Jo
    My cool and fun cousin Steve filled with a warm heart, humours and passion. You will be missed forever. Thank you for all the happy memories. Love you! Rest in peace, Steve. Sending all our prayers, Nick, Alex and Hyejung unni.
  • Rachel Jo
  • Donald Klip
    Steve recommended me to get hired at Citi as part of the same hedge fund coverage team and then later on we founded a brokerage together in HK. We were super close between 2005-2010/11 and shared some very intense and personal moments together.

    He...  more
  • Lee Tucker
    Still in shock. Steve was my senpai, an older brother figure and great friend. We did not always see eye-to-eye but a man of integrity who spoke his mind which very few have the courage to do now. And some great dinners at Vatos! and the like over...  more
  • Michael Chin
    Having known Steve for over 30 years, it breaks my heart to see him go. He was passionate about work and family. Our families paths have crossed in New York, Seoul and Hong Kong. I remember when Nicholas was a baby in New York. I also remember when...  more
  • John Chang
    I will forever cherish the special connection that we had together. It feels like yesterday when we enjoyed a laugh and a great meal in Hong Kong. Though I will miss all the memories that date back some 30 years, you will always live in my heart as a...  more
  • Dave Chung
    This was one of the last meals we had with my mom. For Steve, there was nothing more important than family. Say hi to mom for me.
  • Greg Modaro
    • Greg Modaro
      Greg Modaro My condolences to the Chung family for losing a member of your family. You are in our thoughts.
      • October 10, 2021
  • Lena Oh
    I will always remember Steve as someone who was easy going and full of life and laughter.

    It was always the little things that made him so happy; watching a movie with his sons, taking his friends and family to the best Chinese restaurant in town, going...  more