The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和)
Raised $2,205
  Contributors (12)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和)
Memorial Created By
Katherine Lee

Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和)

November 02, 1948 - April 13, 2021

Dear friends and Family, We created this memorial page to celebrate the life of Steve Sheng Lee, 李勝和. If you knew him, you know he always loved a story. We would be honored if you would share your stories and memories of Steve here. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email...  see more

This page is in loving memory of Steve Sheng Lee,李勝和, beloved friend, father, grandfather (阿公) and husband. We lost Steve in the small hours of the morning on April 13, 2021. For those who knew him, they might remember his endless (often shamelessly bad) jokes, or they might know him as a big storyteller, a fearsome opponent at the Sandy Senior Center ping-pong table, or as the guy with endless energy and zest for life, as...  see more
3,310 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Michael Chen
    Dear Mei-Ju and family:

    We’re so very sad and shocked to get this message. Thinking of you, at this time of loss.

    We had been so charmed by Sheng-Ho’s witty senses of humor, honesty, and intelligence, plus his willingness, without the slightest...  more
  • Shae Featherstone
    We are so grateful to have known Steve as a neighbor and friend. We moved into the Misty Meadows Cul-de-sac 3 years ago. Steve and Rose came and introduced themselves immediately and made us feel very welcome. After that, they would always stop by and...  more
  • Katherine Lee
    Posted on behalf of Miranda Chen

    Although we grew up 2000 miles away in New York, my mother and Aunt Rosa, her first cousin, and Uncle Steve maintained a close ties and later Katherine and I became good friends/ second cousins at Penn and in NY.

    I...  more
  • Jack Chen
  • Joyce Hsu
    Rest In Peace , Steve, you and Rosa 養了一對wonderful 的皃女。聽到他們提到你說的笑話,一直想到的是兩年前你們來NY,還在説好好練身體,可以多領些social security ,怎想到你那麼快放棄你的fat check,不管如何,我確定你在天堂,一定找得到乒乓球友和大泳池,還有一堆可以講笑話的人。
  • Kenneth Tingey
    Steve has been a major contributor to our effort to make the world a better place. He has made many, many contributions in this. I just mention one here. It is a book, one of many, called "Our Century: Our Opportunity." He not only was a significant...  more
    Our Century -- Chinese: Our Opportunity (Chinese Edition): Tinge
  • Kenneth Tingey
    I put this on Facebook the day Steve died. Here is the link:
    Steve Lee (沈永军 郭俊文)
    I was shocked today to hear of the death of a longstanding friend, Steve Lee.
    We first became...  more
  • LD Farnes
  • Amanda Conklin
  • Charles Huang
  • Tony Macey
  • Katherine Lee
    Posted on behalf of Steve's eldest brother, 李勝也, and his wife 許 錦玉:

    寫這封信時, 我正流著眼淚, 你現在正在往天堂的路上, 到了天堂, 你會見到爸爸、媽媽和勝泰, 好好和他們談天,...  more
  • Peter L
    Peter L added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和):
  • Peter L
    Peter L added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和):
    Yosemite National Park
    Family time
  • Peter L
    Peter L added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和):
    Family time
  • Peter L
    Peter L added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和):
    Golden Gate Bridge, SF USA
    Northern California Coast (2016)
    Happy 70th Birthday Dad!
  • Peter L
    Peter L added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和):
    Peter & Michelle's wedding
    Arches NP
  • Peter L
    Peter L added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和):
  • Peter L
    Peter L added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和):
    See you soon!
  • Peter L
    Peter L added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和):
    Market Street Grill
    Din Tai Fung
  • Peter L
    Dad was truly a worldly traveler with an unquenchable thirst for adventure and new experiences. He and my mom traveled across the US and the globe, experiencing many different foods and cultures.

    You've inspired us to seek new perspectives,...  more
  • Peter L
    Thank you for everything, Dad. We miss you so much and are grateful for the time together and memories we shared.

    You will be in our hearts forever, inspiring us to live every day to its fullest and to reach new heights
  • Christina  Lee
    Posted on behalf of Uncle Victor (大舅), Uncle Steve's brother.


    寫這封信時, 我正流著眼淚, 你現在正在往天堂的路上, 到了天堂, 你會見到爸爸、媽媽和勝泰, 好好和他們談天,...  more
  • Christina  Lee
    Posted on behalf of Auntie 玲華, Uncle Steve's sister.


  • Miranda Chen
    Fond memories visiting Uncle Steve and family in Sandy ,

    Miranda, Emlyn and Janice
  • Wen Kuo
    Steve’s sudden departure has been a great shock to me. We , a four men’s LINE chat group, were talking and joking the very Sunday night before his Tuesday passing. At that time, he was happy . He had just received a good sum of loyalty from a...  more
  • Michael Vogel
    I look across the street on most any day and there's Steve up to something. I head out front and he's walking across the street to tell me something interesting. If we went out of town the house key was give to Steve. He would come over and take care of...  more
  • Katherine Lee
    Posted on behalf of David Bernhardt

    Steve was a good friend, helped others (volunteered me several times), had dumb jokes, was a friend to everyone. I say this for myself, Paul (lived near Steve), Min and Yan (Chinese friends). Steve will be missed at...  more
  • Francis Wong
    Steve 兄,你的突然离开,让我们伤心不己。一年前你和夫人来吉隆坡时的情景都还历历在目,原本等疫情过后,今年相约去槟城观光旅游。今天我到庙宇,为你祈祷点灯,愿你早登极乐世界!我们永远怀念着你。
    Posted on behalf of Roger Tan
  • Christine H.
  • Christina  Lee
    Posted on behalf of my mom, 玲玉, Uncle Steve's sister.

    阿和, 還等你快回台,去卡拉0k飆歌,還說要租車一起遊台灣,尋找小時候的足跡,,,而你却沒告別就突然走了,太痛了,太不能接受了。最近,一直浮現你的笑容,與一貫愛說笑的神情,, ,如今,一切都不可得了,,好懷念的三哥,一路陪我成長,幫我加油打氣,也是家中成功的外交使者,謝謝。祝福一路好走。

    大妹 玲玉
  • Sharon S
    Uncle Steve-
    You have shown us love, brought us joy, and made us laugh. I remember you always loved to say jokes! You have given us the lasting gifts of a beautiful life - and blessed our memories forever. Will miss you dearly.
    To Aunt Rosa, Katherine...  more
  • Sharon S
  • Katherine Lee
    Posted on behalf of Nancy Mei-Hwa Chen

    親愛的勝和姊夫. 你這回開的玩笑可真大. 一去不返.但我們不喜歡,因為你不告而別,誏我們所有的人難過且傷心不已,且我們都無法接受. 我們懷念你.我們都依依不捨.平常有你在的地方總是有說不完的笑話、歡笑聲不斷. 然而再也聴不到你的笑話連篇了. 惋惜不㔾。我們永遠懐念你.
  • Charles Huang
    To the Lee Family,

    Our hearts ache with your hearts in the sudden and unexpected loss of your beloved husband and father, Steve Sheng Lee. He shared a very special connection to us through my father, and was the bridge who linked us to extended family....  more
  • jj chen
    Sherry and I will miss Steve dearly. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife, Rosa, daughter, Katherine, son, Peter, and to the rest of his family and many friends. Steve was one of the warmest, kindest, and truly most genuine individuals you could...  more
  • jj chen
    jj chen added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Steve Sheng Lee (李勝和):
  • Katherine Lee
    Posted on behalf of Lin Shu-Ling

    2018和2019 我們到Utah 玩,打電話給勝和同學,他帶我們到他們家,朋友有緣來相聚,讓人非常懷念美好的時光。
  • Francis Wong
    Bro,Steve is well love in Indonesia
  • Francis Wong
  • Francis Wong
    Steve’s death was sudden , but his life was not faint.His memory will always be with us and his legacy will certainly live on.
    Farewell my mentor/brother and friend.Knowing you has been an honor.
  • Jack Chen
  • Jack Chen
    Steve's Hidden Talent
  • Christina  Lee
    Oct 2018. Taipei, Taiwan. Uncle Steve, Auntie Rosa, and Uncle Steve's two sisters.
  • Jack Chen
    Brother, we miss your hidden talent! Someday, we will have a karaoke party in the heaven!
  • Jack Chen
    Oct. 6, 2014 @ Nebo Loop National Scenic Byway.
  • Jack Chen
    May 01, 2013 @ the top of Timpanogas Cave.
  • Jack Chen
  • Jack Chen
    勝和兄真不敢相信您就這樣突然的離去,至今仍是令人震驚與心痛!近日走在觀音山下的Falcon Park, 眼前浮現的都是您幽默的身影,還有夜里我們和梅珠姊一起觀星望月,笑談人生和一起高歌的日子,如今就這樣匆匆而逝了,請安息在寧静的觀音山下,我們永遠懷念您!
  • JJ Chen
    A great time with Steve and other close friends at the Red Butte Skyline Nature Trail on April 20, 2014. We miss him dearly!