• Outside memorial table and food pick up

    Jan 30, 2021, 2:00 PM US/Mountain

Memorial Created By
Kimimila Simms

Thomas Eldon Simms

April 15, 1938 - January 16, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Thomas Eldon Simms. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan virtual and in person gatherings, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Thomas E Simms, age 82, passed 01/16/2021. He had advanced dementia and was in the New Mexico State Veteran’s Home in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. He contracted COVID and had recovered, but his dementia caused him to stop eating. He passed in his sleep on Saturday January 16, 2021. Per his wishes, we have cremated his remains and will lay him to rest at the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Sicangu Akicita Owicahe Tribal Veterans Cemetery...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Shahla Heath
  • aaron rotz
    It took me over a decade to call Thomas Simms, Thomas. Even now, in my prayers, I hear myself call him Mr. Simms. It’s been thirty years, since Thomas turned my life around, gave me direction, and taught me tools to keep me on the good red road. I...  more
  • Kimimila Simms
  • Kimimila Simms
  • Kimimila Simms
  • Kimimila Simms
  • Kimimila Simms
  • Kimimila Simms
  • Kimimila Simms
  • Kimimila Simms
  • Kimimila Simms
    To the Simms Family,

    My name is Nick Brokeshoulder and I am a co-worker to Kimm Simms and I will remark that I had the opportunity to meet Thomas on many occasions from 2017 to Present-mainly when the majority of UNM Gallup was in session. Thomas...  more
  • Takuya Funaki
    This is my favorite picture. He respects all medicine, peji and taught me how you have to pray with it.
  • Takuya Funaki
    I could visit him in Sacrament in 94. That time he was teaching at DQ?
  • Takuya Funaki
    I think it was 85?, he was awarded as the best teacher of the year!!
    I remember that when he had to say something in front of mic, he said " Hey, do want to hear joke? Time to eat!!"
  • Takuya Funaki
    His sweat in Nebraska. He kept it nicely.
  • Takuya Funaki
    I have some pictures to share with you. Too bad there not much. Back those days we did not take a picture like nowadays, no cell phone.

    I took this one near his Nebraska house, when we were collecting Echinecea.
  • Takuya Funaki
    First of all, sorry for my broken English.

    I turn to 64 ,old enough to look back my life and say that Tom is the person who influenced on me the most. When I was young, searching for "light", I decided to visit Rosebud to learn Lakota way of life. Tom...  more
  • Evan Eisentrager
    I just remembered a funny memory about Tom. One time we were taking a sweat with Earl Swift Hawk and his tiospaye near Spring creek. During one of the rounds, in the darkness, Tom managed to contort himself into a kind of head stand. When we opened the...  more
  • Beat and Brigitte Kraushaar
    Good bye Tom Simms
    First of all: I am from Switzerland. So my English ist not perfect.
    February 1979. We arrived at Tom’s and Veras house in Rosebud. I remember it was one day before the first birthday of their daughter Kimimila. Tom and I had contact...  more
  • Evan Eisentrager
    To Vera, Kimi, Daniel, and the grand children, I am so sorry for your loss. I knew Tom for 44 years. I met him at Rosebud in 1977 when he was living in a log cabin by the river on Grass Mountain road. Tom taught me much about Lakota traditions and...  more
  • Linda  Frisone
    Dear Vera and Kimimila, I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear husband and father. Please know that I am holding him and all of you in my thoughts and prayers. And, I am so grateful to Evan for bringing me with him to meet your whole family...  more
  • Janice Benally
    Mr. Simms was my teacher at Tohatchi High School my junior year. To this day I remember where Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are and how to pronounce them. I enjoyed his class, because he created a relaxed environment that made it fun to learn. I was a quiet...  more
  • Kimimila Simms
  • Kimimila Simms
    Kimimila Simms added 5 photo(s) to the memorial Thomas Eldon Simms:
    Daniel, Samira, and Shahla
    Military School
    Family photo
  • Kimimila Simms
    Kimimila Simms added 6 photo(s) to the memorial Thomas Eldon Simms:
    Teaching Class at UNM G
    Happy Birthday Dad
    River of lights
    the folks
  • Kimimila Simms
    Kimimila Simms added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Thomas Eldon Simms:
    Teaching at Sinte Gleska